... into a fight with his roommate. He gets so upset that he can’t stand staying there anymore. In the middle of the night, Holden packs all of his belongings and heads for his hometown, New York. The rest of the story takes place in the city, where the reader starts to see Holden’s bad habits. Holden needs a place to stay because he can’t go home, yet. The reason for this is because his parents have not yet found out about their son’s expulsion. So Holden decides to stay in a low-class hotel. While in the hotel, Holden decides to go down to the bar. He meets three older women and “chews the fat” with them for a while. They ...
Words: 822 - Pages: 3
... of the setting. He wanted to broaden his writing subjects beyond the too-narrow personal world with which most writers concern themselves. The setting of “” matters very much to the symbolism of the plot. The novel begins on the day that the murders take place. The Clutter family is going about their daily chores. Nancy, the town sweetheart, is contemplating about how she is to get all of her chores finished. Her father, brother, and mother are carrying on as they usually would on a Saturday morning. They are an extremely happy family that holds grudges with no one. Capote introduces the audience to the family on a personal level. Just outside of the ...
Words: 1663 - Pages: 7
... The men in Yasunari Kawabata's Thousand Cranes and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude forever seem to be repeating the lives of their male ancestors. These cycles reveal that man as a being, just like the mythological heros, has no true choice in the ultimate course his life will take. The male characters' personal development is overshadowed by the identity of their ancestors. Clotho, it appears, has recycled some of her spinning thread. The new male generations, superficially, are perceived to be woven of like design. Kikuji Mitani and the male Buendia's face communities that remember their ancestors. As a result, ...
Words: 1619 - Pages: 6
... of the transcendence of man, or the lack there of, into a focused view. Hop-Frog, the title character in Edgar Allen Poe's "Hop-Frog," is able to transcend the limitations of his physical body. Biologically Hop-Frog is nothing more than a freak of nature. Hop-Frog is a dwarf. His means of locomotion was that of an "interjectional gait---- something between a leap and a wiggle,"(482) and this motion was only afforded to him through "great pain and difficulty." Hop-frog's teeth are "large, powerful, and repulsive."(484) His arms, not in balance with his body, have a "prodigious power."(482) His arms so over compensated for his body he "resembled a squir ...
Words: 1270 - Pages: 5
... is the collective goal. People in this society do not work towards their own happiness. They work only for what is taught to be the common happiness. True pleasures of life are not allowed. Since they do not see personal benefits and fulfillment from their work, they lack enthusiasm and personal initiative. It is as though everybody has been brainwashed to one collective way. The people consider themselves as one body. Though collectivisim may have certain benefits, in Anthem it is taken to a dangerous extreme. Their collective society has nearly wiped out any traces of the individual. For example thoughts or opinions that are different from your brother are ...
Words: 640 - Pages: 3
... emigration, prostitution, poor health, worse luck" (Lohafer 475). At the present point in the story, Ma Parker arrives to work in the house of the literary gentleman after she buried the previous day her loving grandson, Lennie, who was the only ray of light in her dreary life. According to Irigaray, "all the systems of exchange that organize patriarchal societies and all the modalities of productive work that are recognized, values, and rewarded in these societies are men’s business….[t]he work force is this always assumed to be masculine, and ‘products’ are objects to be used, objects of transaction among men alone" (171). Ma Parker has to ...
Words: 1525 - Pages: 6
... the master-at-arms. Claggart’s personality coincides with that of Billy’s and with the help from Dansker, Billy soon realizes. Billy soon realizes that Claggart is out to get him after he talks to the Dansker. "The old man… rubbing the long slant scar at the point where it entered the thin hair, laconically said, Baby Budd, Jemmy Legs is down on you" (34). This surprised Billy, because the master-at-arms had been nothing but, what seemed to be, nice to him. Throughout the story, Billy witnesses incidents and threats made by Claggart on other members of the ship. This is just the start of tension between Claggart and Billy. "Starry" Vere, t ...
Words: 574 - Pages: 3
... 86). On Sunday when Huck goes to church he sees the hypocriticalism of the families, "The men took their guns along, …The Shepardsons done the same. I t was pretty ornery preaching-all about brotherly love, and such-like…" (Twain 90). Huck with his anti-society attitude, you would presume that he would have no problem in helping Jim. Yet he fights within himself about turning over Jim to the authorities, by this action within Huck shows that he must have feelings that slavery is correct so that the racial bigotry of the time may be seen. This decision for Huck is monumental even though he makes it on the spot. He has in a way decided to turn his ...
Words: 1048 - Pages: 4
... verified this fact. Arnold was always the weaker and the subordinate. Eugie was a typical older brother-complete with taunting and when necessary, protection for his younger brother. Arnold admired Eugie more than anyone and when the shotgun went off, Arnold was so devastated that he denied the fact that he had even shot his brother. He thought that if continued to pick peas, Eugie would get up, and tease him for being such a fool. However, this was not the case. Later on, when Arnold told his family that he killed Eugie, they looked at him as a cold-blooded killer. They did not realize that Arnold was more devastated than anyone was, and they overlooked the f ...
Words: 521 - Pages: 2
... writing movies and go back to his old life writing short stories. He should do that so that he could stop trying to please the people and just please himself. Another way that D.B was on Holden’s mind was how Holden thought about the many stories that D.B. would read him at night. When thinking of this it would remind Holden of the good times at home, this was a time when he felt comfortable and was a memory that made him feel good at almost anytime. And finally D.B. affected Holden by remembering there visits to the movies with Pheobe to watch old movies. "But I didn’t enjoy it much. I just don’t see what’s to marvellous about Sir La ...
Words: 970 - Pages: 4