... this struggle to satisfy yourself above and beyond all does not pertain in my opinion is religion: it is impossible to worship a being and try to overcome that being at the same time. Whether it involves fighting to be on top in the workplace or playing dirty to win a sporting event; almost all Americans have the fire burning within them that compels them to reach their goal or self satisfaction. In reading The American Way of Families, it occured to me that the struggle for pleasing one's own self existed even in the family. I don't think that after reading this piece that anyone can deny the existence of this urge in themselves. The urge exists in every f ...
Words: 1168 - Pages: 5
... is the independent and strong sister, she never let anything stand in her way. When Caroline needs other people for almost every thing and is surprised when she doesn’t get her way. For example, Sara Louise and her best friend Call, Call thought Caroline was attractive but rarely played with her. He liked Sara Louise’s personality, she wasn’t fake and didn’t pretend to be someone she’s not. But when Call came back married to Caroline from the war, all of Sara Louise’s dreams were lost, but still remained friends with Call and kept going on and on. Yet another example of Sara Louise’s strengths. This book emphasizes with Sara Louise and helped me see her point of ...
Words: 336 - Pages: 2
... personal motivations and the external causes that may have led to them. It is established from the very beginning that Macbeth is ambitious. There can be no doubt about this. A certain level of courage accompanies his ambition as well. As a noble he is an active one, fighting against the rebel hordes and Norwegians in defense of his king, no doubt for the purpose of gaining notoriety and other rewards. This is further illustrated by his gracious acceptance of credit for his deeds. He is a political figure in the highest sense, and show ambition in this way. However, there is no sign of him altering his course of loyal nobleman until outside influences begin to inter ...
Words: 1926 - Pages: 8
... first, and one of the biggest problems that shows is boastfulness, even for a Viking. One example to show how boastful was, is when he talked about the swimming contest with Brecca. It all started after and his men arrived at the Meadhall, in the process of trying to get permission to fight Grendel, he was questioned on how he intended to fight a monster as strong as Grendel when he could not beat a human (Brecca), and was "outstayed" in swimming contest. did not get upset at all, he just simply replied: ...A cruel ravager dragged me down to the sea bed, a fierce monster held me tightly in its grasp... but I escaped with my life from the enemies' clutch ...
Words: 909 - Pages: 4
... the descent of His Holy Spirit, has overcome the world. The opening line of "God’s Grandeur" is reminiscent both of the Creation story and of some verses from the Book of Wisdom. The word "charged" leads one to think of a spark or light, and so thoughts of the Creation, which began with a spark of light, are not far off: "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light" (Gen. 1.3). Yet this "charge" was not a one time occurrence; "[t]he world is charged with the grandeur of God" (Hopkins 1). Or, in the words of Wisdom 1:7, "The spirit of the Lord fills the world" (Boyle 25). This line of the poem also sounds like Wisdom 17:20: "For the whole world shone with ...
Words: 3610 - Pages: 14
... reader Samsa’s discontentment with what his feels is the lack of control in his life by spontaneous transformation of a human being into an insect. Humans are at the top of the food chain in the world, and thus are in complete control. In contrast, insects have almost no control over their own destiny because they are small, unintelligent creatures that can be squashed between a human’s thumb and forefinger or destroyed under the sole of a stepping shoe. The first instance of lack of control over his life he encounters deals with the exploitation of his labor. Samsa appears to be a very young man who has been thrown into the role of the breadwinne ...
Words: 1888 - Pages: 7
... been a man of war”(Metzger 145). This is what King Saul of Israel said to David when he proposed that he fight the Philistine warrior Goliath. The story of David and Goliath is quite possibly one of the oldest child hero stories. It was part of the Bible, in the Old Testament. In this story a young man named David proposes to the king of Israel that he fight and attempt to kill Goliath, the giant that had been plaguing Israel. The king agrees, however hesitantly, and David goes on to slay the beast using just a slingshot. While this story is not one that was made up, it still shows us that the ancient Hebrews believed in the fact that a child, or in t ...
Words: 1821 - Pages: 7
... school, where the dirt and grind does not have a space, at least not on the surface. Holden is then expelled from the school, and starts to venture out the world on his own. He goes back down to New York, the dirt and grind capital of the world. He gets more and more sickened by the fakeness, and cruelty of the world. An example of this would be in the Catcher in the Rye, when he goes in to the museum “he notices an obscenity written with a child’s red crayon on the wall”(121 bloom). Holden says in the novel “That’s the whole trouble,” he realizes. “You can’t ever find a place that’s nice and peaceful, because ...
Words: 502 - Pages: 2
... She was told they were free, but they were still locked in their houses occupied with fear, every hour the thought of death progressing in their head. This is an example of great imagery she uses in explaining an event. In the same essay she has many more examples of imagery, more than can be expressed. I am beginning to believe she is as remarkable as people say. The more and more I read her writing, the more I began to believe this. She grabs my attention faster and more intensely than any other essayist. Many people believe her writing style is hard to comprehend, which I can understand why. This allows her examples of imagery to go far beyond other grea ...
Words: 421 - Pages: 2
... end of the poem, therefore, a sense of common responsibility and guilt. Early in the poem, Eliot creates a world of desolation. The idea of dryness is emphasized by the repetition of the word "dry" in the first stanza, where we read of "dried voices," "dry grass" and "dry cellar." When he mentions the sound of "rats feet over broken glass" he succinctly and subtly prods at our anxieties about urban disease and decay, showing us a sort of fleeting snapshot, almost subliminally planted, and raising in us an instantaneous reaction of revulsion. Eliot then mentions the dead, calling them "Those who have crossed...to death's other kingdom." These people are made real ...
Words: 949 - Pages: 4