... are not applicable anymore. That is not to say that they are not sound. They simply do not apply. Sharon Pollock, one of Canada’s great female playwrights and a strong leader of the popular feminist movement, is one example of a writer that breaks Aristotle’s mold. Her play “Blood Relations” sits on the edge of what Aristotle would call tragedy. Aristotle states that the form of tragedy is an “imitation of a noble and complete action, having the proper magnitude”(Aristotle 6). Here we have Lizzie Borden murdering her own parents in a fit of rage. The murders happen after years of abuse and negative attitudes from almost everyone she knows. The act of mu ...
Words: 1529 - Pages: 6
... with insults. The Lesson is somewhat botherson because the reader must try to relate to the characters and at the same time must try to overlook the language to be able to understand what is going on. In addition, this story is filled with foul language. The reader understands that this is intended to show characterization but feels that this extremity could be better described with amouther choice of words. Bambara's technique for giving informatiove and interesting information falls short in her four-page story. Hemingway's choppy Hills LIke White Elephants leaves much to be desired. It takes the reader teh entire length of the story to half-way figure o ...
Words: 624 - Pages: 3
... one corner of the building, heaping up the carried earth two or three feel thick, so that we had an immediate result to look at…” He did not want to plant grass, but the other boys kept on telling him how great it would be to play on it and to have picnics. T.J. still wanted to plant crops, but he was smart to give in. “He always knew when to give in” the narrator in the story states. He knew how to motivate the other boys and knew when to compromise. When the building owners came up and asked what they were doing, T.J. then suggested that the boys were actually trying to “pretty up” the roof. That shows that T.J. can think fast when dealing with adults. Sensit ...
Words: 696 - Pages: 3
... place, though unstable, in a typical male profession. Hurston was born on January 7, 1891 in Eatonville, Florida, the first all-incorporated black town in America. She found a special thing in this town, where she said, "... [I] grew like a like a gourd and yelled bass like a gator," (Gale, 1). When Hurston was thirteen she was removed from school and sent to care for her brother's children. She became a member of a traveling theater at the age of sixteen, and then found herself working as a maid for a white woman. This woman saw a spark that was waiting for fuel, so she arranged for Hurston to attend high school in Baltimore. She also attended Morgan Academy, now ...
Words: 3109 - Pages: 12
... flowing the words also seem to easily flow. This image is appropriate as it directly relates to the motion of the river on which they are travelling. ‘Here is the way we put in the time.’ Presents Huck’s idyllic life on the river is as routine. The words ‘then’ and ‘next’ are repeated several times in the first half of the passage, their function and effect is ensure that the passage flows, much like the river, in a slow and constant sequential manner. A sense of relaxed movement is conveyed and emphasised by diction and alliteration throughout the passage ‘then a pale place in the sky; then more paleness’. The use of onomatopoeia ‘swift’ allows the passage to p ...
Words: 864 - Pages: 4
... decided to discourage George from going to any war. George and got in a heated argument about the war and their different opinions and he left to go out. George told her he would come back for dinner. At this point considered their relationship over. She did not see how she could continue to love a man who did not love his country as much as she did. When George left, that was it for . She decided that if he could not believe the way she did then he did not deserve her. She sat down and wrote him a letter and gathered all the things he had ever given her and put them all in a box. In the letter, she told him that she could not be with a man who was not ...
Words: 1276 - Pages: 5
... knew that one day we'd end with something liek the Internet with all its pornos. O'Connor's displeasure with society at the time could have been attributed to strong belief in God from a Catholic point of view. OConner was trying to put the question of Religion to the reader. What has happened to the World ? It had become complicated. Here you have a dear old lady just trying to get her only son to take her where she wants to go. Consider the Christian idea of evil as opposed to a divine nation of the "good." The characters usually are acting from right intentions, but they end up attempting to inflict their ideas of what is "good" on those who don't agree th ...
Words: 788 - Pages: 3
... the folks in both stories are coming together for what seems to be enjoyable, even celebratory occasions. However, I believe the major similarity lies in the fact that these many pleasant details create a facade within each story. The reader is then left ill-prepared when the shocking, brutally violent, ritualistic traditions are exposed. Children are an important focus in both stories. Jackson makes it easy for us to imagine their "boisterous play"(para 2), and Le Guin writes "their high calls rising like swallows' crossing flights over the music and the singing"(para1). I see these children being used to symbolize perceived states of happiness in both sto ...
Words: 1190 - Pages: 5
... owns a large portion of finances due to some mysterious source of wealth, and he uses this mystery source to buy his house, his clothes, and Daisy. Gatsby's house, as Fitzgerald describes it, is "a factual imitation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy, with a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a marble swimming pool and more than forty acres of lawn and garden" (Fitzgerald 9). This house, as Fitzgerald fabulously enlightens to, is an immaculate symbol of Gatsby's incalculable income. "The house he feels he needs in order to win happiness" (Bewley 24), is an elegant mansion; that of which an excellent symbol of carelessness is displayed ...
Words: 1880 - Pages: 7
... is a small night." In his own words about words he reminds us of the "curious and potent, inexplicable and irrefutable magical life language leads within itself" -- not entirely unaided, of course, by wide margins, Devonshire-cream paper, and clear type. Speaking of which, I am happy to report that his publisher felicitously chimes Mr. Updike's Pennsylvania-Dutch tones with a Linotype contribution named for Janson, a Dutchman. And paper made at Spring Grove, Pa. Over Territory and Time The stories in "Pigeon Feathers" float from Pennsylvania to England, to New England, to New York, and always back to Pennsylvania. In general outline and under various names the ...
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