... minion carved out his passage Till he faced the slave;…" Macbeth defended his king’s honor as well as his own, as Shakespeare showed a good man never backed down from a foe. In the later acts of the play, Shakespeare furthered the definition of a good man by portraying what a bad one was not. In Macbeth’s darkest hours, he showed no sign of prudence and logic as he slayed king Duncan, and hired assassins to murder his friend Banquo. Macbeth displayed his temerity in act IV scene 1 saying, "from this moment The very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand. And even now, to crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and ...
Words: 511 - Pages: 2
... As a result of his ruthless quest for power which set in motion the resistance against him, the growing paranoia that caused him to make more enemies, and his failure to heed the warnings of the danger mounting towards him, Macbeth himself is the one responsible for his own tragic downfall. Led by his overpowering ambition, Macbeth commits the greatest act of treason against his country; and when discovered, makes the noblemen rethink their loyalty to their king. Upon the discovery of Duncan's body, Macbeth announces that he accidentally killed the attendants, who appeared to be the guilty party. Responding to this, Macduff asks him, "Wherefore did you so?" ...
Words: 1069 - Pages: 4
... students will ask and answer relevant questions and make contributions in small or large group discussion. 4. The students will analyze characters, including their traits, relationships, and changes. C. Ongoing Projects: 1. Daily Journal Entries: Students will write daily in their journals on related topics that also integrate other subjects, and students can also record information and responses from activities done in class. Students may write in their journals during the Social Studies, Writing, or Reading period or at another time during the day. a. The journal can also be used to assess student mastery of each activity or the lesson as ...
Words: 2152 - Pages: 8
... way of life in order to get ahead. I believe that the story had a deeper meaning than the aforementioned one. I believe that if the reader were to take a deeper look into all of the symbolism in the story, one would find that the summation of all the symbolism is equal to not only the struggle of this black boy, but the struggle of blacks at the time in which the story takes place. I think that if one were to analyze the grandfathers dying words, one would find the view of most conformist black Americans. The only way for a black person to excel at that time was to conform to the white society. Any rebels that tried to stand up for their rights were most l ...
Words: 863 - Pages: 4
... wanted too. If Maya was white Mrs. Cullinan would not have changed her name. She did it only because of her racist friends, and attitudes. Even some of the white s, who supposedly supported her, had hidden their racist feelings in seemingly nice remarks. Maya conveys the words of Mr. Edward Donleavy, one of the people in the masquerade, "The white kids were going to have a chance to become Galileos and Madame Curies and Edisons and Gauguins, and our boys (the girls weren't included) would try to be Jesse Owens and Joe Louises."(pp.151) Maya was forced to listen to Mr. Donleavy's stereotypes of how white children could be thinkers, and black child ...
Words: 904 - Pages: 4
... answers about the future, we see that he does believe in some foolish things. But all the same, he is visited by both blacks and whites to use the hairball's powers. This type of naivete was abundant at the time and found among all races-the result of a lack of proper education. So the depiction of Jim is not negative in the sense that Jim is stupid and inferior, and in this aspect of the story clearly there is no racism intended. It is next necessary to analyze the way white characters treat Jim throughout the book. Note that what the author felt is not the way most characters act around Jim, and his feelings are probably o ...
Words: 648 - Pages: 3
... that man enjoys hunting, taming and conquering even in matters of love; Agbadi finds a special thrill in trying to win the unconquerable love of Ona. Ona is a woman ahead of her time, unwilling to be controlled, even by the strong and powerful Agbadi, not only because of her individual desires, but because of her respect for the cultural norms of her society. From the onset of the story we learn that Agbadi proposes marriage to Ona. Since Ona's father, Chief Obi Umunna, had no sons, he raised Ona to be very assertive and assume what is considered boylike traits. Thus, like a man, her father raised her never "to stoop to any man" (629). Does this mean that women and ...
Words: 1282 - Pages: 5
... her husband and their children. What would happen to them? After doing a lot of thinking, she finally decides to go back home. In the end, Ramani has finally stopped seeing Shanta Bai, the other woman, and I guess you could say it’s a happy ending. It’s now up to you to go and guess the rest. Savitri is very much real. She is basically quite like most people. They treat problems like that. They find ways to escape it. Like booze, drugs, suicide, etc. In Savitri’s case, she stays in the dark room, and finally, leaves her family. As I was reading “The Dark Room”, I felt compassion towards Savitri. I can clearly see that she ...
Words: 786 - Pages: 3
... the working classes are fighting for a say in the way they are treated at work by forming unions and how a bad negotiator can ruin things. He shows from the start that the education system is based on "fact" and not "fancy." The breakdown of the "fact" based education is shown when Gradgrind himself asked a question that is not fact based. In the end, the whole system of education is reversed and the "fancy" is fancied. The novel can be summarized as a book about two struggles. One struggle is between fact and imagination and the other is the struggle between two classes. Thomas Gradgrind, the father of Louisa, Tom, and June n ...
Words: 1941 - Pages: 8
... of the war when they had to remove the parts of dead or severely injured victims of a munition factory explosion. This, as well as later experiences in Fossalta, Italy, makes for a very believable novel. Frederick Henry was, like Hemingway, an American lieutenant who drove ambulances in Italy during World War I. He was badly injured by a mortar shell explosion and was taken to a hospital in Milan where he fell madly in love with an English nurse. The young nurse, Catherine Barkley, and he go on to have an almost fairy-tale type of relationship. Hemingway’s World War I experience varies only slightly from that of Frederick Henry. One night while stationed ...
Words: 508 - Pages: 2