... more or less comparable from one period to another, or from one culture to another. One of the obvious misinterpretations, discussed in this paper, took place considering historical document written by king of Mesopotamia. Our textbook, Arts and Culture,(p 98) presents Hammurabi’s Code as a “Law Code” of king Hammurabi. It was, in turn something quite different from a Code of Laws existing in our judicial and legislative structure of government and society. Hammurabi’s Code- “A law Code” or a set of royal decisions??? As written in Mesopotamia: The Mighty Kings, (p26), the code consists if 282 laws that are branched at the beginning and end by a prologue and epilog ...
Words: 1496 - Pages: 6
... received its present official name in 1935. During the early period of the FBIs history, its agents investigated violations of mainly bankruptcy frauds, antitrust crime, and neutrality violation. During World War One, the Bureau was given the responsibility of investigating espionage, sabotage, sedition (resistance against lawful authority), and draft violations. The passage of the National Motor Vehicle Theft Act in 1919 further broadened the Bureau's jurisdiction. After the passage of Prohibition in 1920, the gangster era began, bringing about a whole new type of crime. Criminals engaged in kidnapping and bank robbery, which were not federal crimes at ...
Words: 1090 - Pages: 4
... with heavier drinking. Alcohol may not cause cancer, but it probably does increase the carcinogenic effects of other substances, such as cigarette smoke. Daily drinking increases the risk for lung, gastric, pancreatic, colorectal, urinary tract, liver, brain cancers, and leukemia. About 75% of cancers of the esophagus and 50% of cancers of the mouth, and throat are attributed to alcoholism. (Wine appears to pose less danger for these cancers than beer or hard liquor.) Smoking combined with drinking enhances risks for most of these cancers dramatically. When women consume as little as one drink a day, they may increase their chances of breast cancer by as much ...
Words: 1033 - Pages: 4
... Austria where the Academy of arts was located. He failed the first time he tried to get admission and in the next year, 1907 he tried again and was very sure of success. To his surprise he failed again. In fact the Dean of the academy was not very impressed with his performance, and gave him a really hard time and said to him "You will never be painter." The rejection really crushed him as he now reached a dead end. He could not apply to the school of architecture as he had no high-school diploma. During the next 35 years of his live the young man never forgot the rejection he received in the dean’s office that day. Many Historians like to speculate what would have ...
Words: 1946 - Pages: 8
... and some came as entrepreneurs. These various groups were discriminated against at varying level, depending on the resources the group brought with them. Those immigrants who made the journey to America on their own freewill with economic resources found that it was much easier to find good jobs than those immigrants with less than such freewill and resources. Small business opportunities unfortunately were not available for most immigrants. The English created colonies and forced land from the native people. The English also established a form of capitalism. During this same time Africans were seized from their native lands and were shipped to America involuntaril ...
Words: 1342 - Pages: 5
... also must be defined. Subjectivism provides this definition. Subjectivity refers to the radical freedom to choose with or without a God, but also that this radical freedom becomes a responsibility to use or not use. Another definition, provided by Webster’s dictionary defines as a philosophical movement especially of the 20th century that stresses the individual position as self determining agent responsible for his or her own choices. It becomes very clear through the definitions provided, that focuses on two things, the individual and choice. Breaking apart the word itself, you come up with another word, exist, to have actual being, and also existent, which is ...
Words: 407 - Pages: 2
... Difficulties in comprehension are secondary to the memory deficit. While much of the damage is attributable to areas of the brain served by the basilar artery (shown to be calcified, in the CT scans) the frontal lobe impairment indicates more generalised arterial disease. Fitness for trial Physically: Senator Pinochet would at present be able to attend a trial but as features of cerebrovascular damage have progressed despite optimal treatment (with good control of diabetes and blood pressure and antiplaseler agents) further deterioration in both physical and mental condition is likely. Mentally: It is our view that Senator Pinochet would not at the present be ...
Words: 1841 - Pages: 7
... Most of the people in our nation most likely would not decide to drive with a blindfold on. Yet, the Alabama state government needs to have power so it passed the "no driving while blindfold" law. Alabama is not the only state with laws that seem useless. In California community leaders passed an ordinance that makes it illegal for anyone to try to stop a child from playfully jumping over puddles of water. The fine for such a crime is fifty dollars and up to ten days in jail. Once again a government decided it didn't have enough power and thought that it might as well impose a new law to show its "immense" power over the people. In Connecticut you can b ...
Words: 1532 - Pages: 6
... were supposed to be the government. They were supposed to make the decisions, elect all the other government officials and all the other very important things. That made the ordinary man think that the government is controlled by people just like him, with only high school education (some even without it), poor, being in politics for the first time in their lives. That is impossible. Such people can run no government. The most annoying thing is that almost no one noticed that, and if someone did, they were immediately terminated without any questions. There was a small group of people who controlled everything in the country. It was mostly the KGB and the Genera ...
Words: 930 - Pages: 4
... telephones with separate lines for each. Telephone communication was made throughout the city, the homes of the investors, customers, Vancouver, to and from the office building and ranch. Times were fixed for the delivery of the "stuff" to places along the Puget Sound and from there was transported to the various caches. The information leading to the arrests was made primarily by four Federal prohibition officers. The officers placed small wires along the main lines outside the homes of the four main conspirators and that of the office. No intrusion was made into private property. Olmstead was found to have made dealings with members of the Seattle pol ...
Words: 752 - Pages: 3