... in Poland, Romania, and Finland. To the western world, this success looked as if it were the beginning of serious Russian aggressions. The western view of the time saw Stalin as doing one of two things: either continuing the expansionist policies of the tsars that preceded him, or worse, spreading communism across the world now that his “one-state” notion had been fulfilled. It also must be mentioned that Stalin is seen as wanting “unchalleged personal power and a rebuilt Russia strong enough to withstand ‘caplitalist encirclement.'”1 Admittedly, the first view of Stalin, as an imperialist leader, may be skewed. The Russians claim, and have always claimed, ...
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... Twentieth Maine, perhaps one of the most famous Infantry units in the American Civil War, was organized at Portland, Maine, during August, 1862, and was officially mustered into Federal military service there on August 29, 1862. The 20th Maine consisted of whalers, merchants, loggers, farmers and city dwellers who made up the raw material that transformed fresh recruits into soldiers of valor. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was the regiment's original Lt. Colonel and upon the promotion of Ames, he was made Colonel of the 20th Maine. He was wounded six times during the War. He was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General for his conduct of the 20th Maine at Pe ...
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... Those tough early years made him all the more determined to work hard and make something of his life. He was a very ambitious person. Since he was a little boy he loved to sing. In his teen years he attended a Bing Crosby concert and that is when he decided that he too would become a singer. At the age of 19 the first break of his musical career came on when he sang with a band called the Hoboken Four. After that taste of success he knew he had to be a solo singer and make it on his own. During the late 30’s he played poorly paid gigs in musty, little dives having the title as the world’s greatest saloon singer. When he was working in a little nightclub in N ...
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... early history of our country, the protection of basic freedoms has been of the utmost importance to Americans. In Langston Hughes' poem, "Freedom," he emphasizes the struggle to enjoy the freedoms that he knows are rightfully his. He reflects the American desire for freedom now when he says, "I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread." He recognizes the need for freedom in its entirety without compromise or fear. I think Langston Hughes captures the essence of the American immigrants' quest for freedom in his poem, "Freedom's Plow." He accurately describes American's as arriving with nothing but dreams and building Americ ...
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... were afraid of loosing their lives if they did not obey. The act of taking people, whole families, out of their homes takes away their freedom. When the Nazi Soldiers took away the Jews freedom they devalued their lives. Devalued in the sense, that the Jewish people had no choice in the matter they had to go with the Soldiers or be killed. And because they Nazis took everything that they were looking forward away. Another place that the Nazi Soldiers devalued the Jewish people's lives is when they senselessly executed millions of Jewish people with out any reason. First they killed the people that could no longer perform the work that the soldiers have give ...
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... of their own. Men who could not obtain a position in the Church and had to drop out were called goliards. These goliards wandered around the land, composing and performing for people. Their music was mostly comprised of the "’eat, drink, and be merry’ type, appropriate to the wanton kind of life the goliards lived" (Stolba, 99). Carl Orff, the composer of the Carmina Burana, used the poems found in the largest surviving records of Latin secular music that we have today. The Codex latinus 4660 was held in the Benedictine monastery at Benediktbeurn. Many of the songs speak of love, many of them lascivious. Others speak of drinking, satires of the religious life ...
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... the meaning of Organic Architecture and how it can be applied to creating housing which provides a closeness to nature for the occupents. Wright was undoubtly a romantic and individualist. His feeling toward nature and self integrity can best be shown by comparing them to those shared by Emerson and Thoreau. Wrights deep love of nature and his individualism were formed from the events which influenced him as a child and up until his days working for Louis Sullivan. In order to fully understand the ideas which Wright proposed through his philosophy of Organic Architecture, one must first understand the events and influences which led to their creation. As a child, W ...
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... flying machines as children when their father brought home a whirling toy . Fascinated, they wound up the rubber band on the cork and paper toy to watch it fly again and again. They built and flew their own versions. "Throughout their lives, the brothers experimented with mechanical things Wilbur would come up with the ideas and Orville would analyse and implement them." (McMahon 23). The two brothers opened a shop in 1896 to build and repair bicycles. The same year, Otto Lilienthal was killed when his glider crashed and the Wrights began to search the problems of human flight. After reading all the information they could find in Dayton, Wilbur wrote to the ...
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... or roughly 210 yards. In subsequent games, additional events were to be added, most likely to increase the challenge to these amazing athletes. In 724 BC, the diaulos, a two stade race, was added, followed by a long distance race, about 2 ¼ miles and called the dolichos, at the next games four years later. Wrestling and the famous Pentathlon were introduced in 708 BC. The Pentathlon consisted of five events; the long jump, javelin throw, discus throw, foot race, and wrestling. The Pentathlons, especially the successful ones, were often treated and even worshipped like gods. Because of their exquisite physiques, they were used as the models for ...
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... He felt the the territory was the property of the United States and it should remain part of the United States. Beveridge also felt that the people of the Philippines were of “barbarous race”, and that by the United States taking control, in my opinion, could civilize them. On the other hand Mason felt that these people were just like anyone else, and that they should be able to live the way they have always lived. Mason also felt that it was unfair to govern the people of the Philippines given that they lived ten thousand miles away. He felt that how could a senator set laws to people that he really did not know anything about. He also felt how can you ...
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