... or was the nature of the social situation the primarydeterminant of this nefarious behavior? In the course of this paper, I plan to explore this question from a psychological perspective with an emphasize on conformity and social norms, bystander intervention, social perception and reality, and finally, prejudice. Generally looking at the Los Angeles riots, and specifically drawing upon the Reginald Denny beating and subsequent trial, the power of the situation becomes evident, as thousands of people living in an extremely poor and crime-ridden area of Los Angeles, lashed out against a perception of injustice through violence. The conditions that lead people ...
Words: 1562 - Pages: 6
... also a very popular with the people and many political leaders rose to high positions with support of these ideals. Three humanists even became chancellors of Florence -- they used their rhetorical skills to strongly rally the people of Florence against their enemies. The great changes in Education of the Renaissance were inspired at first, by the desire of Humanists to be wise and to speak eloquently. The idea of useful education for the people, and very "well rounded" schooling in many different fields of learning were the new defined goals of Renaissance education. People all over (Especially in Florence) revived the Ancient Greek studies of Plato, Aris ...
Words: 508 - Pages: 2
... can take the word slavery and put it to the modern days. Would one say that slavery only existed years ago when plantation owners would buy people to force them to do hard labor and mistreat them, or would one mention about the slavery that goes on in today’s society? What about the people who are forced to do hard labor like many years ago? Many people do not realize it but indeed we do have modern-day slavery. What is today’s modern day slavery? There are several things that can be put into today’s slavery. This is one problem that is often over looked in today’s society. It may not have as much impact as it did years ago, but if we stop and think about it, this p ...
Words: 1097 - Pages: 4
... Many went beyond fear, resorting to violence and fascism to cope with their problems. Christmas Eve of 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, six men young men began the earliest version of the Ku Klux Klan. Some of them had simpler professions such as blacksmithing and farming, however some of them were Confederate army officers. The group needed a name, which was then based on the Greek word "kuklos" meaning circle. The circle was chosen for it symbolizes unity, perfection and the progress of humans. Being an organization, they added "clan"; with a "K" for show. To avoid being recognized and to induce fear, they wore sheets as cloaks and made hats out of white sheets as ...
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... that banks were safe to put money into. To do this he passed the Emergency Banking Act or the “Banking Holiday”, which temporarily closed banks so that they could be examined and reopened, if fit to do so, with a Treasury Department license. Another way that he took charge was by cutting federal workers’ salaries, and veterans’ pensions and benefits, and anything else that would reduce spending. Roosevelt then created the Civilian Conservation Corps, which gave jobs to young Americans, and also diverted their anger at the government. Another major act was the Federal Emergency Relief Act, which gave 500 million dollars to replenish city funds. There were man ...
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... General Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg, marked the turning point of the war. The first serious attempt to take control of Vicksburg was an expedition commanded by General W. T. Sherman who went down to Mississippi and attacked Confederacy positions immediately north of town, while another army under General Ulysess S. Grant marched overland from the northern part of Mississippi. General Sherman's army failed when his attack on Chickasaw Bluffs was easily defeated , and General Grant was forced to retreat when his supply lines were cut by the confederate calvary. There were also naval expeditions commanded by Admiral David Glasgow Farragut. The Union army appeared bel ...
Words: 756 - Pages: 3
... of the purity of the White race for all of America. This period is known as the “First Era.” The Knights of the keeps alive the memory of the original Klansmen and the principles and traditions for which they risked their lives. We also respect the Klan Movement of the 1920s, which is known as the “Second Era.” This is when the Klan reached it’s political zenith all across the United Stated. However, the Klan today should not exist just as a memorial to past accomplishments, but as a living instrument for the ideals of Western Christian Civilization and the one element that makes them possible: the white race. Not a mere political association or politi ...
Words: 323 - Pages: 2
... colonies were no longer under the control of the king. Jefferson established that the right to liberty was given to them by God (Creator). This outweighed the commonly held idea that a king was chosen by God to rule. Another definition of liberty is that one does not conform to what is commonly accepted by others. For instance, if one would wear a polka-dot sport coat with clown shoes every day, it could be said of that person that they take great liberty in what they wear. Likewise, the Founding Fathers went against the norm that a subject should follow the king at all times by declaring their independence from the crown. This helped overturn common political ...
Words: 453 - Pages: 2
... to function. As the United States becomes more extreme in its beliefs in general, group polarization and competition, which requires a mutual exclusivity of goal attainment, will lead to more "showdown" situations in which the goal of good government gives way to political posturing and power-mongering. In this paper I will analyze recent political behavior in terms of two factors: Group behavior with an emphasis on polarization, and competition. However, one should keep in mind that these two factors are interrelated. Group polarization tends to exacerbate inter-group competition by driving any two groups who initially disagree farther apart in their re ...
Words: 2338 - Pages: 9
... From the Article of Agreement, Springfield, Massachusetts it is clear that religion was the basis for general laws. It uses the phrase "being by God's providence engaged together to make a plantation", showing that everything was done in God's name. The Wage and Price Regulations in Connecticut is an example of common laws being justified by the bible. Also in this document the word "community " is emphasized, just as Winthrop emphasizes it saying: "we must be knit together in this work as one man". The immigrants to New England formed very family and religiously oriented communities. Looking at the emigrant lists of people bound for New England it is easy to observ ...
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