... in the Kosovo conflict. In 1945 Socialist Yugoslavia was declared. The communists were able to deal with national aspirations by creating a federation of six nominally equal republics- Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Macedonian, In Serbia the two provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina were given autonomous status. By 1992 the Yugoslavian Federation was falling apart. Nationalism had once again replaced communism as the dominant force in the Balkans. Slovenia and then Croatia were the first to break away, but only at the cost of renewed conflict with Serbia. The war in Croatia led to hundreds of thousands of refugees in the 1940's. By ...
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... in 1733 and the spinning jenny in 1764, the making of yarn and the weaving of cloth had been much the same for thousands of years. By 1800 a host of new and faster processes were in use in both manufacture and transportation. Several systems of making goods had grown up by the time of the . In country districts families produced most of the supplies that they used, while in the cities merchandise was made in shops, and manufacturing was strictly regulated by the guilds and by the government. The goods made in these shops were limited and costly. The merchants needed cheaper items, as well as larger quantities, for their growing trade. They had to establish anoth ...
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... a new deal for the American people." included federal action of unprecedented scope to stimulate industrial recovery, assist victims of the Depression, guarantee minimum living standards, and prevent future economic crises. Many economic, political, and social factors lead up to . Staggering statistics, like a 25% unemployment rate, and the fact that 20% of NYC school children were under weight and malnourished, made it clear immediate action was necessary. In the first two years, was concerned mainly with relief, setting up shelters and soup kitchens to feed the millions of unemployed. However as time progressed, the focus shifted towards recovery. In order to a ...
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... in many places. At times, these rituals would involve the entire community. At other times, small groups would perform for the rest of the community. From that time until the present, every type of performance has created its own environmental conditions of performer-audience relationship, and these have varied from a patch of beaten earth to complicated built structures (Leacroft 1). The various Greek tribes worshipped many different gods. Dionysus, or Bacchus, was an important god for the Thracians, a tribe who lived in the northern part of Greece. When the Thracians discovered how to make beer, they thought intoxication divine and gave honor to Bacc ...
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... hippie movement, it was one of love, peace, and freedom. (Constable, 34) The 1960s was a tumultuous decade of social and political upheaval. We are still confronting many social issues that were addressed in the 1960s today. In spite of the turmoil, there were some positive results, such as the civil rights revolution. However, many outcomes were negative: student antiwar protest movements, political assassinations, and ghetto riots excited American people and resulted in a lack of respect for authority and the law. However, with all the talk and the tension that this movement created it turned out to be an empty rebellion. While it did voice important concerns a ...
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... times and decorated for bravery twice. He was gassed near the end of the war. During this time, he served as an intelligence agent for the military authorities, in the course of which he attended a meeting of the tiny German Workers Party in 1919. He later joined the party, became its leader and changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers Party, later called the Nazi Party. In 1920, the 25 Points of the Nazi Party were proclaimed, one of which called for the removal of the Jews from German society. The Nazis tried to seize power by force in November 1923 (called the Beer Hall Putsch), but were thwarted by the Munich police. Hitler was Convicted of hi ...
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... a penny- Farthing. It consisted of a huge front wheel, 1.5 meters tall, and a very small back wheel. The advantage of this model was that it could travel a greater distance with a single turn of the pedals. But because it the wheels were so tall, the bicycle was unstable and many people wouldn’t try it. In 1885, J. K. Starley, an English bicycle manufacturer, producted the first commercially successful bicycle. It was much lower than the penny-Farthing with two wheels of the equal size, making the bicycle much more stable. It was the first bicycle that incorporated the design and parts of today’s bike. Later, the iron tires were replaced with solid rub ...
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... twelve-pound cannons. There were four guns placed on each side, and one in the front and rear of the vessel. Due to its massive nature the ship's draft was enormous, it stretched twenty-two feet to the bottom. The ship was so slow and long, that it required a turning radius of about one mile. Likened to a "floating barn roof " and not predicted to float, the only individual willing to take command of the ship was Captain Franklin Buchanan. After all the modifications were complete, the ship was rechristened the CSS Virginia, but the original name the CSS Merrimack is the preferred name. The USS Monitor was the creation of Swedish-American engineer, John Ericsso ...
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... the bomb itself and the unbiased effects that it had. This I-search was a great opportunity for me to actually fulfill my interest. The Manhattan Project was the code name for the US effort during World War II to produce the atomic bomb. It was appropriately named for the Manhattan Engineer District of the US Army Corps of Engineers, because much of the early research was done in New York City. Sparked by refugee physicists in the United States, the program was slowly organized after nuclear fission was discovered by German scientists in 1938, and many US scientists expressed the fear that Hitler would attempt to build a fission bomb. Frustrated with the idea th ...
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... broadened. Africa exemplified their greatest interest because of the slave labor it had to offer. Unfortunately, slave labor was at the expense of people who were a different color other than the Europeans. Like Africa, the Americas offered slave labor. When the Europeans landed on the Americas, they encountered a different race. This race consisted of different Indian tribes. Before the Europeans came to either continent, both cultures flourished by establishing governments, religions and a way of living their own lives. The Indians were located in the Americas and they also were ultimately taken advantage of because the Europeans thought of them as ...
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