... for his resistance against the Lombards. By 7th century, Lombards' sphere of influence was contained in only the northern part of Italy as a result of the resistance faced by the popes. There, the Lombards were able to strengthen and unify their political structure. As the Lombards were becoming more politically unified, southern Italy was becoming a place for revolts. As a result, the Lombards, lead by Liutprand, were able to break through the resistance in the now unstable southern Italy. Liutprand's rule over Italy had caused some Lombards to convert from Arianism to Roman Catholicism. In addition, they accepted many other parts of the Roman culture, in ...
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... occurring as far back the late 1800's. Nationalism, militarism, imperialism, and the system of alliances were four main factors that pressed the great powers towards this explosive war. (Clock Magazine 1915 Aug. 17)” Difficult as it may sound, (and it is) this is my argument. Yes Francis Ferdinand was assassinated and sparked the beginning of the war, but that was not the main cause. It may have been the immediate spark that triggered the starting of the war but it was not the main cause. The four major roles that played in the cause of World War I were Nationalism, Militarism, Imperialism, and the Alliance System. Nationalism: a philosophy that is purely foc ...
Words: 1547 - Pages: 6
... have to turn to communist support for the freedom of his people. Since the United States viewed helping Ho gain his independence from France as a move against their own allies, they declined. It was only after Russia and China offered to help that Ho adopted communist ideals and wanted to make all of Vietnam communist. The Vietnam war started simply because Ho Chi Min and his communist supporters wanted South Vietnam to become communist after the South split off in 1954 to become its own democratic nation. The United States saw this as a threat to democracy, and using the Domino theory, successfully threw the U.S. into the one of the worst wars it has ever seen. If ...
Words: 2449 - Pages: 9
... a few non-NATO member countries, headed by Russia. Russia, taking the role of a peacekeeper, vowed not to fight to defend Serbia, relieving many of the fear of World War 3. The very involvement of NATO in Yugoslavia raises some ethical, moral and political issues. What business does this organization have in entering a civil war in an independent country? NATO violated the UN Charter of prohibition against the use of force against a member state of the UN. Taking a much-criticized tactic of bombing selective targets in Kosovo, the strategy for NATO appeared to be "bomb and hope." Hoping for Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to back down and issue orders for a ...
Words: 1170 - Pages: 5
... did, and the author did this in such a way that the book is never boring and I was never compelled to skip parts. An example of the amazing description is on page 70, where Torka and his family, Lonit, Umak, and Karana, build a pit hut in the snow with mammoth bones and animal skins. The many hunts the characters go out on are shown in great detail, as in the first hunt when the hunters prepare by clothing themselves in caribou hide and antlers, soak their skin in caribou juice from the hides, and stalk the prey across miles of barren terrain in the Times Without Light (when the sun would not show for almost six months). The social structure of the bands is describ ...
Words: 618 - Pages: 3
... all about it. Some unforgettable and some hard to even believe, but that's how the people of the lived. The New World had lots of experiences for the new writers to tell. Some of the new writers included John Smith; he only spent two in a half years in America. Jonathan Edward's, he thought that a revolution would create a world of literature. He was the first major writer to be educated and lived his whole life in the New World. When he was eleven he wrote science essays on insects. Then when he was thirteen we went to Yale for religious experience. He wrote Sinners in the Hands of an angry God and still is one of the most famous literary monuments to the "great ...
... be answered in aim of the painter, actor, director, scene designer, make-up artist, and so on. In analyzing “Curse of the Starving Classes” with Goethe’s questions, I will keep my focus on the playwright, Sam Shepard. His is a story that I don’t come across very often. I believe Mr. Shepard wrote this play to bring a variety into the theatre, as well as writing about something he knows and has lived through. Just the fact that this story is his life memory brings feeling and passion to the script. Perhaps I’m digging this too deep, but it is one thing to make up a story, and another to actually have been there. What is the artist trying to do? In my opinio ...
Words: 500 - Pages: 2
... These students face many obstacles in their lives; college presents a whole new and much larger challenge. The transition is also hard on them. They want to fit in and hide their past, but at the same time, they do not want to lose sight of their upbringings. Hooks felt that she was an outsider in college, because she herself came from an underprivileged background, while most of her peers came from privileged backgrounds. Hooks states, “I did not intend to forget my class background or alter my class allegiance”(88), but she felt that in order to succeed, she must change who she was. Society, peers, and educators make assumptions that label th ...
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... elect state of affairs that existed among the Apostles, who were said to hold all things in common. The most interesting point of these communal groups to me might be the overall backing of their desire to create a community. It seems some of the communal groups, such as the Amana, were only created out of feelings of guilt and hope for redemption. From Oveds book, two hundred years of American Communes, he describes the Amana as seeing their community as an island of redemption in a world awash with temptation, sin and avarice; the Elect could come and perfect themselves, if they were prepared to heed the Lord’s call to chastity, poverty, simplicity, hard work, ...
Words: 623 - Pages: 3
... an experienced worker. Through watching the experienced worker the new person would learn the intricacies of the job. This made the new women rely on their fellow workers for training and support. Many times work would be shared if it was necessary. Friends would cover each other so that the one who was absent could continue to make her wages, while taking time off to recover from sickness or to just go on a small vacation. This was another way that dependence developed among the female workers during work hours. The mill work itself rooted the interdependence of the women. The living conditions at the factory also helped to develop a sense of community among the wo ...
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