... Ridge (“Somme”). There they stayed for nearly two years awaiting the “Big Push,” as the Battle of the Somme was prematurely coined by the British (Macdonald 4). The French were kept busy also, digging 475 miles of trenches, running from the Belgian coast across the face of France to Switzerland (Macdonald 10). The French Army held 400 miles of this trench, and Great Britian held the other 70 miles, with the remaining 5 miles taken over by the Germans (Macdonald 10). If the Germans would have been able to pick one part of their own 500 mile-long trench on which to hold off the Allied offensive, they would have chosen the Somme, where their line was surely impene ...
Words: 1645 - Pages: 6
... Luther King Jr. was known as one of the leaders of the American civil right movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent resistance to racial oppression. As a Baptist minister King knew better then to use violence to fight against the oppression. But this did not mean he would stop from voicing his opinion about the problems that were present. One example of the problems that Dr. King tried to bring to the peoples attention in an attempt to fix it was the “law” that all the African Americans could sit only at the back of the bus and not the front, something that was abolished after Rosa Louise Parks made a choice to sit in the front of the bus because of her s ...
Words: 693 - Pages: 3
... him of his sight and cast him out on the seashore. The blinded hero followed the sound, of a Cyclops' hammer till he reached Lemnos, and came to the forge of Vulcan(Hephaestus), who, taking pity on him, gave him Kedalion, one of his men to be his guide to the abode of the sun. Placing Kedalion on his shoulders, proceeded to the east, and there meeting the sun-god(Helios) was restored to sight by his beam. After this he dwelt as a hunter with Diana(Artemis), with whom he was a favorite, and it was even said she was about to marry him. Her brother was highly displeased and often chid with her, but for no purpose. One day, observing wading through the sea with his he ...
Words: 718 - Pages: 3
... sooner than had the Continental Congress laid the proposed Constitution before the people for ratification, ” Irving Brant writes, “than a cry went up: it contained no Bill of Rights.”(2) People objected because the liberties they had fought for in the Revolution were not being protected by the Constitution, and then could be ignored by the federal government. The Anti-Federalist called for another convention to outline a Bill of Rights before the Constitution was approved. The Federalist, fearing that the progress would unravel completely, urged immediate ratification. With the understanding of a Bill of Rights to follow later. Eventually ...
Words: 1275 - Pages: 5
... remarks towards them. Many red-coats were in search of different off-duty jobs, which meant they would be taking away jobs from the Boston laborers. Many times when the soldiers left their barracks and were walking about the town, carried large clubs, for the purpose of assaulting the people. Many would say that the colonists had every right to be mad and irritated. But what about the soldiers. They were just taking commands from the country that they are defending and fighting for. To them they were just doing the right thing. But we all know that they went to extremes by the frequent wounding of persons by their bayonets and cutlasses, and the numer ...
Words: 1866 - Pages: 7
... from subject to subject: “I have been the more particular in this Description of my Journey, and shall be so of my first Entry into that City, that you may in your mind compare such an unlikely Beginning with the Figure I have since made there. I was in my working Dress, my best Clothes being to come round by sea. I was dirty from my journey; my pockets were stuff’d out with shirts and stockings; I knew no Soul, nor where to look for lodging. I was fatigu’dwith Traveling, Rowing and Want of Rest. I was very hungry, and my whole stock of cashconsisted of a Dutch Dollar and and about a Shilling in Copper. The latter I gave the People of the B ...
Words: 3455 - Pages: 13
... peasant cannot be achieved through such an archaic doctrine. Various successive Czars attempt social reforms which do not leave an impact on the country's well-being. In December of 1825, an uprising from the populace occures when they demand changes to the economic system. With the development of the American, French and Spanish constitutions, the serfs now demanded the abolishment of the monarchy dictatorship, communal ownership of land and many other civil and social reforms. Unfortunately, their rebellion was quickly dismantled by the Czar's military faction and the system remained in tact. 1861-1905 Czar Nicholas II finally realized that his cur ...
Words: 1221 - Pages: 5
... roadways. It was also along the banks of the Connecticut River, which made water transport of weapons rather easy. The facility was far enough upstream that the threat of an attack on the facility was rather small. The Connecticut River also provided hydroelectric power to the facility. Another advantage of Springfield was that since it was a struggling village, it was not hard to find employees because at this point, the people of Springfield would take a job wherever they could find it. In the beginning, all of the muskets made were manufactured individually by hand. In 1795, forty employees made 245 flintlock muskets in one month. Soon after its incep ...
Words: 935 - Pages: 4
... slavery. Finally, Lincoln believed that transforming the dispute from a conflict to preserve the Union to a crusade against slavery would dissuade the threatening British and French from supporting the Confederacy. With its new stated purpose, the Civil War would now have huge societal repercussions. The largest and most complex issue of was how to go about admitting the Confederate states back into the Union. President Lincoln’s plans were quite lenient, accepting the seceded states back into the Union even if by vote only a minority of a state’s white males took an oath of loyalty to the United States. However, John Wilkes Booth assassinated him before any of ...
Words: 675 - Pages: 3
... evicted only to be crowded into disease-infested workhouses. Peasants who were desperate for food found themselves eating the rotten potatoes only to develop and spread horrible diseases. ˇ§Entire villages were quickly homeless, starving, and diagnosed with either cholera or typhus.ˇ¨(InterpretingˇK,online) The lack of food and increased incidents of death forced incredible numbers of people to leave Ireland for some place which offered more suitable living conditions. Some landlords paid for the emigration of their tenants because it made more economic sense to rid farms of residents who were not paying their rent. Nevertheless, emigration did not prove to be ...
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