... outside our country. We always talk about how the Americans are running more of Canada then we are, and the only nature part of Canada you ever hear about is the American view, snow, penguins and polar bears. In fact, our country has a vast amount of temperate wilderness, grand provincial parks and even a rainforest in the west. We have all the animals mentioned in the story, but do we talk about them? It seems that all most Canadians do is complain. Complain about the economy, the government, the USA. Anything that can be found that is wrong with our country, we talk about. That sets us apart from the others, most countries talk about their achievements, n ...
Words: 710 - Pages: 3
... hanging points in 580 of their cells. Five people have died because of it. Correctional Services Commissioner, John van Gronigan has stated, after the fifth death in custody at Port Phillip, that he is "satisfied with the prison's management". The Government is claiming that because Muirhead Cells (strip cells) have no obvious hanging points, thus they have complied with recommendation 165. This is a distortion of the content, intent and nature of recommendation 165. (Recommendation 165 of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody explicitly states that "Corrective Services authorities should carefully scrutinize equipment or facilities provided at ins ...
Words: 813 - Pages: 3
... government had to subsidize the service in order for it to continue in operation. In 1979 ce had a cash flow of $22.5 Billion and was additionally receiving $176 million from investing. Even with this added revenue the Postal Service was still greatly under funded on its own. During this time it was discussed to privatize the postal service and introduce competition because of the extreme losses that the service was experiencing. A positive argument for privatizing the Postal Service was with numerous competitors in the market there would be more efficiency and the public would receive lower prices. But this would also increase the usage of resources, for examp ...
Words: 2214 - Pages: 9
... only seven to ten pounds. The females are larger then the male and weigh sometimes double the size as the male. They usually live around thirty years in the wild , but when in captivity they live a longer life. Experts believe that there may have been as much as twenty-five thousand to seventy-five thousand Bald Eagles living at the time when the bird was made our national symbol which was in 1782. Since then that number has decreased due to their habitat changes and hunters harassing and killing them whether for fun or for trade. Another harmful additive to the problem was the pesticide DDT. In 1940 Congress had passed a law that banned the killing of ...
Words: 462 - Pages: 2
... deprived him of his sight and cast him out on the seashore. The blinded hero followed the sound, of a Cyclops' hammer till he reached Lemnos, and came to the forge of Vulcan(Hephaestus), who, taking pity on him, gave him Kedalion, one of his men to be his guide to the abode of the sun. Placing Kedalion on his shoulders, Orion proceeded to the east, and there meeting the sun-god(Helios) was restored to sight by his beam. After this he dwelt as a hunter with Diana(Artemis), with whom he was a favorite, and it was even said she was about to marry him. Her brother was highly displeased and often chid with her, but for no purpose. One day, observing Orion wading thro ...
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... suffering from all kind of diseases. People should try to enjoy their lives as much as they can. Disease such as AIDS, there is no medication or any method can cure that disease. The legalizing of euthanasia can actually minimize the suffering of those patients. Legalize of euthanasia doesn’t simply mean that we encourage people to die. We just want to minimize the suffering of the people. Legalizing of euthanasia allows dying patients to choose between live or die. For example my mother’s friend’s husband, Todd, he had a stroke and after that he couldn’t move his body. The only thing he could do is whispering. Todd was the onl ...
Words: 512 - Pages: 2
... about their classmates' clothing which provokes fighting. Obviously, some type of dress code would stop this. Studies show that a dress code reduces violence and makes students behave better because it makes everyone equal, bringing all of the students to the same level: "A dress code brings us together, like an athletic team. We're unified, we stand for the same things," said Bob Sanders, 57, a teacher at Antioch Christian Academy in Oklahoma City (David 2). Principal of Minneapolis' West Central Academy believes that uniforms help the school meet five goals: foster greater school pride, enhance self-esteem, improve school attendance, reduce suspension ...
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... a chance in losing its superpower reign of the world. Therefore, it is not only a social concern, but also a major economical issue. Another alarming concern is the high rate of student dropouts. Now, instead of all students receiving a poor education, some are not getting one at all. The main cause for this is the students'lack of interest in school. So much of the teaching that goes on today is based on rote and memorization. Not all learning can be exciting, and sometimes memorizing things is necessary. Although teachers should find other ways of getting the information to the students. When students are taught like this, they get bored and tired of scho ...
Words: 695 - Pages: 3
... fraud and abuse. Although you can’t prevent others from asking for the number, it does not give the use the right to access you records. The privacy of these records is guaranteed, unless by use of the government for health or welfare programs. Each number comes in 9 digits, and has 3 parts. The first three digits indicate the state shown in the mailing address on the original application. The lowest numbers were assigned to the New England states, and the number grew higher in the south. But, in recent years, this relationship has been disrupted somewhat by the need to allocate numbers out of sequence as state populations change. The middle two dig ...
Words: 349 - Pages: 2
... meltdown than they did during the past generation of extraordinary prosperity. The reconfiguration of Sino-American relations is an obvious manifestation of this. But it is the domestic political changes that are the most profound and will have the most impact on international relations. It should be obvious that an economic transformation of the magnitude we have seen cannot help but have equally dramatic political consequences. Asia is obviously a diverse region. It goes without saying that the economic meltdown will affect Japan’s politics dramatically differently than Malaysia’s. However, events during the last week have drawn our attention to one area of common ...
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