... and adhering to legitimate rules." The first thing I thought was "WOW! That sounds great! The School Board really trusts me as a free-thinking individual to respect people and be respected. I love this school!" But wait. Before we all stage an "I love Cheryl Wilhoyte" love-fest, let's take a look at what these "legitimate rules" are, particularly as they apply to freedom of speech, expression, and something they like to call "material disruption of the educational environment." The first item on the list is literature, specifically a student's right to post it. It reads "Students shall have the right to post any literature of a non-commercial nature w ...
Words: 1451 - Pages: 6
... are: Is the ignition interlock program effective in reducing impaired driving recidivism? Does it have an impact on more serious, persistent impaired drivers? Finally, does the program continue to be effective even after the interlock device is removed? (Weinrath) Random sampling of Canadian drivers who had their license suspended between 1989-94 did the I.I.P. (Ignition Interlock Program). The sample was done with 994 offenders’ age 20 and up. 125 of them were female, 701 were male and 189 ignition interlock cases. The breakdown was 168 I.I.P cases and 826 drunk driving offenders for the comparison group. These tests were done in Canada and others were done in st ...
Words: 949 - Pages: 4
... the statement kind? Be aware of your nonverble cues. Cues give you away easy. Example, hesitation in your voice, expression of doubt on your face, and a long pause. The emotion you give is how intrested you are. doing this their is filters example. Sender (You)-----Sender Filters *Semantics{upersonal communications is very important to today in the fast moving world. The communication process is very important, it is estmated that 80 percent of messages get distorted or lost. Impersonal communication is not always the right way to speak with people. This would be fax, e-mail,bulliton board, voice mail and manuals etc. Interpersonal communications is a verbal excha ...
Words: 2085 - Pages: 8
... implies sex more often then sex implies love (59),” and men believe that women think that “sex implies love about as strong as love implies sex (59)”. The difference researchers explain is that there is an existence of a jealousy gender gap. In order to explain what causes the jealousy between genders scientists are now creating tests to prove “whether the mind’s ability to reason, rather than genes, can explain the jealousy gender gap (59).” Scientists’ theories differ on the science of sexual infidelity. Some scientists use a theory referred to as “my genes made me think it (58).” This theory proposes that jea ...
Words: 880 - Pages: 4
... the Western culture evolves from the differences in personalities, religious beliefs and customs, political and economic circumstances between them. Much of the novel is concerned with the manner in which Ahmad Abd al-Jawad, the head of the household, well-respected and likable outside the home, conducts his affairs, both in the home and outside it. He, an aggressive, controlling father, allows no challenge to his authority or any bending of the strict rules of Islam and society, and practically dominates the family. In his treatment of the members of the household, Abd al-Jawad displays an inflexible cast of mind that most Western people have come to consider ch ...
Words: 1217 - Pages: 5
... your web site and what it has to offer to those who visit the web site. Remember that with this method it is wise to not be too wordy otherwise this process can develop to be very time consuming and irritating to the sender and the receiver of the email. However it is possible to email well over 10,000 emails in just under an hour. This process can only be done if everything has been thought out thoroughly and ready to go before the process has even begun. Another possible advantage to this method is that the recipient of the email may enjoy the site and forward the same email to people that they know. Emails also cost nothing if there is already access to the ...
Words: 1567 - Pages: 6
... pleasure in life as possible with the least amount of discomfort. Once the ego is formed, a person gains a sense of understanding that there is an outside world and that they must conform their actions to fit those boundaries, which are set by society. In addition, they begin to understand that when they can't always get the object that gives them pleasure, they must adjust their desires to fit that environment. They begin by altering their physical environment and then their social environment. The ego not only has to balance the id with reality, but also with the superego. This superego which Freud refers to is that agency which is formed over time by the p ...
Words: 1143 - Pages: 5
... however, things which are necessary (things which cannot possibly not exist) are no longer so. This is impossible - therefore god cannot be omnipotent. Aquinas begins his rebuttals by defining what is encompassed by the characteristic of divine omnipotence. He explains that god is able to all things which are "possible absolutely", which he defines as all things which can be logically expressed without the predicate being in conflict with the subject - i.e. god is capable of all things which do not involve a contradiction in terms. This does not imply any defect in the power of god, Aquinas goes on to say, because impossible things by definition have "no aspect ...
Words: 421 - Pages: 2
... jobs that pay a maximum of $2,000 a year. This way students can have enough spending money to go to movies, buy pizza or just have some miscellaneous spending money. But many are opposed to this new rule. Douglas J Lany writes that "the problem is that a $2000 check for a job, even if work is not part of the job description, can't compete with a $2000 check plus $10,000 in cash." He is saying that the problem is not the $2,000 job, but the $10,000 dollars the agents will give to athletes as bribes. He says the main problem is not students holding jobs but the agents bribing students. Even by having jobs this will not help the NCAA from sports agents. Anoth ...
Words: 1596 - Pages: 6
... business decisions. Those decisions are made by a professional management team, appointed by a salaried board of directors. In most cases these managers will not own stock in the company which may lead to strongly differing goals of owners and managers. Since ownership gives a person a claim on the profit of the firm, the greater the firm's profit, the higher the owners’ income. Hence the owners goal will be profit maximisation. When managers’ salary stays unaffected by higher profits they may pursue other goals to raise their personal utility. This behaviour strikes the critical observer regularly when for example reading or watching the financial ...
Words: 1231 - Pages: 5