... a bowl of corn flakes give thanks to Demeter the goddess of vegetation. The English word "cereal" for products of corn or edible grain derives from the goddess' Roman name, Ceres. In Greek the word for such products is demetriaka. Demeter was worshipped as the goddess of earth and fertility. Zeus was the king and leader of the 12. His symbol was the thunder and in many of his statues he appears holding one. Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes, was most at home in the depths of the Aegean where he lived in a sumptuous golden palace. When he became angry (which was often) he would use his trident to create massive waves and floods. Ever intent upon expanding hi ...
Words: 1220 - Pages: 5
... in the laundry room. Every time I need to use it I have to walk into the laundry room, push all the coats back until I find the sharpener. It is mountedon the wall so there is no excuse for me to remove it from there and place it in a more visible (yet accessible) location. As a temporary fix to this problem, I simply sharpen about ten pencils all up front. A more expensive item is also being under utilized because it doesn't match the ambiance of the house. This item is the Dolby Surround Sound home theater system my dad bought a few years back. It is all setup fine except for a very critical part, the speaker locations. In order for the system to produc ...
Words: 1186 - Pages: 5
... already taught us that people are proud to work for companies that treat them well. They become linked to companies in more than an employer/employee relationship -- they come to feel as if they are truly a part of an organization; not just one of the employees. In the year 2000 and beyond, it shall be the presence of this feeling more than any other that sets excellent companies apart from the ordinary, and therefore less successful. Companies which are expanding to the global market will need to make all the positive contributing employees feel more than just workers. One thing that employees in the future will ¡V more than ever -- ask themselves continual ...
Words: 3818 - Pages: 14
... a fluent speaker of German. If the purpose of your meeting is to negotiate a purchase, a joint venture or strategic alliance, check with your counterparts about the possible need for an interpreter. Making the Initial Contact Banks play a powerful role in the German business world. Since it is always useful to have a referral you may want to ask your international bank to arrange an introduction. However, in contrast with more relationship-focused business cultures such as Japan, Korea, Brazil or Saudi Arabia, making direct contact is also a viable option in Germany. Send a letter in good business German along with basic information about your comp ...
Words: 2029 - Pages: 8
... doesn't work then go back and read the problem again. Last, check your work carefully. Don't check by repeating the problem, estimate or find another way to try and to solve the problem. You can understand what the problem means yet still not be able to solve it immediately. One good way to help you solve the problem is to draw a picture. One example of this strategy is suppose you received a problem asking you how many diagonals a heptagon has. The plan is very obvious. Draw a heptagon and then draw its diagonals. Another strategy is trial and error. Trial and error is a problem solving strategy that everybody uses at one time or another. In trial and erro ...
Words: 605 - Pages: 3
... an online relationship and have it feel so deep and intimate so fast? Online affairs shift the emphasis in a relationship from outward appearances and superficail conversations to inner thoughts and feelings each person has. When the only thing you can do is communicate, things can get deep quickly. Many times people cannot share the superfical things because they don't share those things. You cannot complain about your friend and have them know that person. One cannot speak of your boss and his stupidity. You can speak of those things, but the other person does not get the whole story, only your side. This also is a major part of . One can disclose alot of perso ...
Words: 1522 - Pages: 6
... and colored for Easter gifts. Peter Carl Faberge is famous for making the most famous decorated Easter egg and decorating it with great artistry. The custom of decorating eggs still remains a popular custom today. In modern custom before decorating eggs you need to hard-boil them and let them cool before the decorating task is endeavored. Dying eggs with food coloring is the most popular choice. To make food coloring dye combine one tablespoon of food coloring with two tablespoons of white vinegar in a mug or jar large enough to hold one egg. Fill with cold water and stir. Drop the egg in the dye. From past experience the longer left in dye the deeper the color wi ...
Words: 478 - Pages: 2
... 25 percent of mammals and amphibians, 20 percent of reptiles, and 11 percent of birds are threatened with extinction. Another 5 to 14 percent of species in these groups are "nearing threatened status." "The leading cause of vertebrate declines is human destruction of old growth forests, wetlands, chaparral, and other rich habitats," Worldwatch reports. "Worldwide, over two-thirds of the earth's habitable land surface has been significantly disturbed by human activities. Nearly half of the world's 233 primate species are threatened, largely because of their dependence on large expanses of tropical forest, a habitat under siege around the globe. In hotspots of fores ...
Words: 981 - Pages: 4
... involved are more likely to be influenced by the peripheral route. In advertising a combination of the two is common and effective. Computer ads rely primarily on the central route, because their target audiences are perceived as highly analytical. Promotion for alcohol and tobacco products employ the peripheral route because they wish to draw attention away from the possible negative effects that they are, in reality, associated with. To truly understand the effects of persuasion it is necessary to break the act down to its smaller components. The for elements of persuasion are 1.) The communicator, 2.) The message content, 3.) How it is communicated, and 4.) The ...
Words: 1412 - Pages: 6
... Between the sixth and tenth centuries, the monasteries experienced what one might call a moral decline. The purity and poverty which was the ideal for monks was being abandoned. Simony, the buying of clerical positions, was common, as was the practice of priests being married. In 910, Duke William of Aquataine wanted to do something to correct this problem. He founded the abbey of Cluny, which was an independent monastery. Cluny was kept independent from any kind of secular control. It sought to bring back the ideals of the original monasteries. This came to be known as the Cluniac movement. With the new relative stability in the church, cathedr ...
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