... OF TABLES AND GRAPHS Table A. Average, Range and Standard Deviation Comparison. . 4 Table 1. Returns for Conservative fund one and two . . . 7 Graph 1. Returns for Conservative fund one and two . . . 7 Table 2. Returns for Secure fund one and two . . . 8 Graph 2. Returns for Secure fund one and two . . . 8 Table 3. Returns for Moderate fund one and two . . . 9 Graph 3. Returns for Moderate fund one and two . . . 9 Table 4. Returns for Balanced fund one and two . . . 10 Graph 4. Returns for Balanced fund one and two . . . 10 Table 5. Returns for Ambitious fund one and two . . . 11 Graph 5. Returns for Ambitious fund one and two . . . 11 Table 6. Return ...
Words: 1201 - Pages: 5
... surrounding historical events are inadequate and incomplete. There are three main divisions of anti-Hempelians. There are those that agree with Hempel to the point that there are rules and general laws that can be followed, but a historian's explanation is adequate if all he can provide is a sketch. The second group states that the general laws are not necessary and as long as the explanation provides an understandable narrative, it is complete. The final group believes that only one condition is necessary, and if more information is needed, one only needs to elaborate on that one condition. The Hempelians and the anti-Hempelians both have common ground. T ...
Words: 619 - Pages: 3
... adopt a greyhound. Retired racing greyhounds are ready for immediate adoption from many Greyhound Adoption Agencies around the United States and Canada. Greyhounds range in color from red and black to white and fawn. They are a healthy breed and can live for 12-15 years with good care. They range in size from 26 to30 inches tall and weigh 50-85 pounds. Many people who are allergic to dogs are not allergic to greyhounds, due to their skin type and short, sleek coat. THE NEED FOR ADOPTION: It is estimated that each year in the U.S., tens of thousands of young, healthy greyhounds bred for racing are killed when they fail to keep up and are no longer viable ra ...
Words: 1290 - Pages: 5
... and skill. Sissa took an eight by eight grid of sixty-four squares, which back then in India was called an Ashtapada Board, and checkered it with with colors. The pieces he used were based on the four categories of the Indian army: The elephants, the cavalry, the chariots and the infantry. He also used the King and his chief counselor. Sissa made the rules so that you have to use strategy and skill in order to win. The King was very pleased with this new game. It reduced luck and chance to a small role. He ordered that it be played in every temple as training in the art of war. Chaturanga spread Eastward to China, and on the way over there, it was tran ...
Words: 1928 - Pages: 8
... parts of the country, just as we do in Norway today. The Zulues want to keep their tradition and identity alive, but they have a lot to struggle against. The lack of land and the demands from the whites way of life has disturbed their old way of living based on cattlebreeding and farming. The majority of the Zulues today live in the villages near by the mines and the cities where they have their work, others work on farms owned by whites. The zulu society has lost a lot of its stability. But one thing they havent lost is the solidarity to their fellow tribe members, and they are all very keen on maintaining their old cultur, inheritated threw generations. The ...
Words: 1739 - Pages: 7
... was a horrible insult and therefore woman were very offended by the term. Since then, as woman got more in control of their lives, careers and relationships, the word has become a symbol of power and authority. I recently had a class in sociology and we were discussing stereotypes that men give to woman and vice versa. When the word bitch came up, the female students in the class responded with the statement that they enjoy being called that name. They elaborated on their response by saying that they feel in control, and get to be the boss in a particular situation. Moreover, they believed that men are attracted or aroused when a woman is in power and enjoy it ...
Words: 620 - Pages: 3
... why waste time waiting for what you already know is going to happen. Another popular opinion is that a persons will is stronger than that of any barrier put in his way. That this thing called is only an obstacle that can be over passed just by the implement of a person’s mind. This breed of people believes that nothing can control all events and that the mind can resist all temptations if properly trained. I myself have different theory. That yes there is a higher power that puts into play. He sits there and watches how his cine will play out. Unlike others I ask myself a question wouldn’t a being of higher power want a little drama a little break from the nor ...
Words: 438 - Pages: 2
... terms. This being true, we can still make general definitions for key concepts in sociology. Socialization can be explained the formation of a person's attitudes, bekiefs, behavior, etc. through the influence of their environment. Roles are exactly that. The roles that people are assumend to play. Where people work or what they do in their free time are all roles. Roles are also expectations. Norms define what behavior should or should not be. Norms are behaviors that are excepted in groups as right or wrong. Sanctions are actions taken so that the norms are not disrupted. For example, in the classroom students are praised for positive behavior that follows t ...
Words: 376 - Pages: 2
... their rejections of any play initiatives demonstrated by female model. Moreover, it was also found that there is an element of social risk involved for both boys and girls, who wish to adopt opposite-gender behavior, specially as they grow older and allegiance to their own gender becomes socially more important. For example, video game advertising starts influencing young boys with bloody and violent games like "Duke Nukem: Zero hour". This game shows a strong men dressed like a cowboy with a gun on each hand saying: "I'm the good and the bad. You just the ugly", inducing boys to "play his game" and demonstrate that they can be better than "Duke." In ...
Words: 739 - Pages: 3
... the speed of light, hundreds of human years on earth may not mean as much to the travelers who are going the speed of light. This would make travel in space easier for them to reach places that are further away. I also think that space is the next place we as humans have to explore. That we have explored everything that is of great importance here on earth and that the universe around us, can give us a better understanding of what is around us. The problem that we face though is that every thing is so far away from us and time never seemed to be on our hand. These last few years it seems that science fiction is becoming science fact. I think it’s only a matter of ...
Words: 321 - Pages: 2