... should be considered before rejecting it out of hand. Admittedly, a lot of what follows is based on rumor, hearsay and circumstantial evidence. Much is derived from numerous phone calls from Dan Smith, whose religious beliefs regarding the UFO phenomenon have induced a messianic zeal to "spread the Word." These calls have provided a flurry of information on what I have previously termed "fringe" beliefs, as well as providing the names and backgrounds of the birds who comprise the Aviary. According to Dan, who undoubtedly is privy to a wealth of accurate, though not widely known UFO information, this data is being released through him due to the grave con ...
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... are a simple family in a small town in Middle America called Springfield. They are: Homer (loyal but stupid father), Marge (dissatisfied, trapped housewife/mother), Bart (rebellious son), Lisa (unappreciated genius daughter), and Maggie (silent baby). The show also revolves around a number of other of the townsfolk, such as Mr Burns (Homer's miserly boss), Smithers (Burns's loving assistant), Apu (Indian shop owner), Principal Skinner and Moe (owner of the local bar). There are a number of reasons why we cannot simply view The Simpsons as a cartoon like any other. The rules and conventions that it follows are far more those of television or cinema than those of anim ...
Words: 4166 - Pages: 16
... evident in the hospital services and were caused by a combination of scarcity of compatible resources and an infinite demand for health care. Through a fundamental view of operations in 1989, two reviews were drawn up by the department of health, ‘working for patients’ and ‘caring for people’ (DoH, 1989a, 1989b), and these formed the basis of the NHS and Community Care Act 1990. The main focus of the impact was the concept of the internal market. This essentially involved the separation of two of the main functions of the NHS, purchasing and providing. Purchasing is defined as the buying of health services to satisfy local needs and pr ...
Words: 2613 - Pages: 10
... along with many other people, takes a pessimistic view towards the realm of witchcraft. Among these anti-witch enthusiasts was Henry VIII, who was the first king of England to pass Statute against the practice of witchcraft. Many kings who ruled after Henry VIII also created statutes against witchcraft. James I made one in 1604, which was repealed over a century later in 1736. Throughout the centuries in England, strict laws and numerous trials were held against suspected witches. Some of the more notable trials include the Chelmsford trials in 1566, 1579, and 1589, the trials in Lancashire in 1612, and the Staffordshire trials in 1597. Some cases even tri ...
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... called ‘Kanonsionni', meaning EXTENDED HOUSE. The first five nations to join the confederacy were Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca. Tuscaroras migrated from Carolina and joined the confederacy in 1722. The Iroquois are bound in a treaty of friendship with the Ojibway to the North. The Micmac government was three-tiered, with local, district, and national chiefs, or ‘Sagamores'. Each settlement's council of elders chose a local chief. The chief was the focus of power in the settlement. The local chief attained position through both hereditary right and meritorious behavior. The oldest son of a dead chief was usually given first consideration as a success ...
Words: 2816 - Pages: 11
... I could live. Ya know, I think I'll take the first option…Yippee." This seems ludicrous, that one would chose the good of one over the good of another, and not chose yourself. But this is what elevates us above the rest of the life on the planet, that we will chose to serve the laws of morality and justice, while putting aside one's own happiness. God on the other hand has no such decision to make. God only knows morality. There is no weighing or balancing of conflicting agendas, be it morality or desire. This is what I choose to tag "Kanflict." God's decision is all the less impressive because morality is the only option. For us humans it ...
Words: 909 - Pages: 4
... knowledge, interpretation, understanding or ideas and this paradigm focuses on how a persons past experience stored in memory, relates to their current experiences together with how they structure and make sense of them. Lastly is the psychoanalytical. This will be reviewed in greater depth later. There are many others paradigms in the field of psychopathology such as, conspirational model, sociotherapeutic, family interaction, moral and psychedelic models. There are many different psychoanalytic techniques, which would take a whole essay solely reviewing them. This is why in this essay I will be concentrating on the fundamental theories created by Sigmund Freud o ...
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... a threat to Muhammad's credibility. No real prophet would allow the word of God to be changed. Sarh left Islam and lived in Mecca. Some time later, Muhammad and his army moved on Mecca and took it without a fight. On that day, Muhammad ordered the murder of 10 people living in Mecca. Muhammad said "God forbid killing in Mecca, except for this one day." Sarh was one of the people Muhammad ordered to be murdered. His crime? He had left Islam, and he constituted a threat to the credibility of the Qur'an and the prophethood of Muhammad. No wonder then that Muhammad wanted him dead. "'To me it has been revealed', when naught has been revealed to him" refers to `Abdall ...
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... Sings" by Katherine Buckaway, the author talks about the beauty of the prairies. She changes the stereotype of the prairies being plain and boring by describing the green rolling hills and the diverse wildlife. It shows the pride each Canadian has in their land. Not all Canadians necessarily believe that the region the were born in is the most beautiful. Some people may have a much stronger attachment to a region that is less familiar to them. Robert Service talks of this feeling in his poem "The Spell of the Yukon." The poem describes the life of a gold digger in the Yukon who at first is overwhelmed by the power and isolation of the North. Yet, as the p ...
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... just in life in general. Both types of faith will bring you an inner happiness. You look at those people who are sick or very ill. The one who has faith seems to make a stronger and quicker recovery. You’ll also notice that from these people that they are very at peace and bring happiness to those around them. The second point that he makes that I agree with is sleep, sleep, sleep. I’ve notice that in life you need to sleep. People who have trouble sleeping become very irritable and unhappy. You’ll also notice that those people whom do sleep they tend to be more patient, alert and more extroverted. These people to me, which are getting eno ...
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