... female sex organs, it may be difficult to tell whether a human hermaphrodite is a female with overdeveloped clitoris or a male with underdeveloped penis, cleft scrotum, and nondescendant testes.2 Recently, many persons have undergone surgical or hormone treatment to modify their nonfunctioning sex characteristics and emphasize the sex indicated by those that are functional. occurs in the great majority of flowering plants, and sometimes occurs in many invertebrate animals. It occurs occasionally in other fishes, in frogs, toads, and certain newts among the amphibians. True functional is rare or absent in higher animals.3 Very few cases of human hermaphrodite ...
Words: 273 - Pages: 1
... in elementary school. This is because Japanese government stated the issue that "all children between the ages of 6 and 15 are required by law either to attend both an elementary school and a lower secondary school [c]" (Outline of the System of Elementary and Secondary Pg. 1). Then the students study three years in middle school, and after that, they enter high school at an age of fifteen through sixteen years old. However, in the United States, it depends on the state, and private school, but mostly the students enter the elementary school one-year earlier than Japanese students. Students in the United States study in elementary school for five years, three yea ...
Words: 1842 - Pages: 7
... College courses. Most freshmen that attend Community College for one year later on realize that early working is more important than attending College. If any High School Senior are choosing between Community College and s job be sure not to make the wrong choice. If you do make the wrong choice you will loss vulnerable money and time. Community Colleges like Rio Hondo, PCC, Citrus, East Los Angeles, and etc has more than 50% drop out rate from 1994 to 1997. Most of the students are in their first year of Community College. Those students are the one who can barely passes all their class in High School. Those who receive something like 2.0 or belo ...
Words: 1005 - Pages: 4
... then it is objective reality, according to him. I believe this is a strength of his because of his convincing argument, "If the objective reality of any one of my ideas is found to be so great that I am certain that the same reality was not in metherefore I myself cannot be the cause of the idea, then it necessarily follows that I am not alone in the world, but that something else, which is the cause of this idea, also exists" (75). Descartes weakness is his idea of innate ideas. It is not necessarily correct to say people have a mind the minute they are born, instead they have gained it after being living for some time. Descartes position on inna ...
Words: 612 - Pages: 3
... York versus Baltimore Orioles game, when New York was at bat and they needed a home run to win. The batter hit the ball not far enough to the wall and when the out fielder was going to catch it a kid reached over the wall and caught the ball. This would be usually ruled no home run but the umpire said it was OK. New York went on to win the next game to advance to the World Series. The fans in New York made the little boy a hero for a day and loved him for what he did but most of the other baseball fans all over the country did not think it was fair to the Orioles. In conclusion I do not like the new rules of the game and hope the commissioner of the league will c ...
Words: 342 - Pages: 2
... as in its largest cities. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds, and the sixth leading cause for 5 to 14 year olds. Suicide accounts for twelve percent of the mortality in the adolescent and young adult group. Young males are more common than young woman suicides. These are only children who followed through with the suicide. For every successful suicide there are fifty to one hundred adolescent suicide attempts. In other words, more than five percent of all teenagers tried to commit suicide, and the number is still rising. It is scary to think that four percent of high school students have made a suicide attempt within the previ ...
Words: 1544 - Pages: 6
... time, also known as binge eating. Another symptom of bulimia is ridding oneself of food through vomiting, using laxatives, or over-exercising, commonly known as purging. Women with anorexia nervosa or bulimia often experience fatigue and decreased energy, headaches, personality changes, and abdominal pain. If an eating disorder is left untreated, it can lead to serious health damage, even death. These eating disorders are usually brought on because a girl is unsatisfied with her own body image. Oftentimes she feels out of control, and restricting her intake of food is one way to regain control. The patient has a sense of power over food, and this makes her feel mor ...
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... in the world. The Ben & Jerry's foundation, established in 1985, receives 7.5 percent of the company's yearly pretax profits, which is donated to charities. Ben & Jerry's has two bottom lines: one is profit and, the other is "how much the company contributed to the quality of life." The Peace Pop and Ice Cream bar on a stick was packaged with a message saying, "One Percent for Peace" and, donated one percent of the profits for peace efforts. They also used their ice cream shops for voter registration sign-ups, giving every voter registering one free cone. They helped register thousands of new voters in Vermont. Also Farm Aid and Family Farming issues ...
Words: 655 - Pages: 3
... try to enjoy their lives as much as they can. Disease such as AIDS, there is no medication or any method can cure that disease. The legalizing of euthanasia can actually minimize the suffering of those patients. Legalize of euthanasia doesnt simply mean that we encourage people to die. We just want to minimize the suffering of the people. Legalizing of euthanasia allows dying patients to choose between live or die. For example my mothers friends husband, Todd, he had a stroke and after that he couldnt move his body. The only thing he could do is whispering. Todd was the only one who was working for their family. So, an economical problem existed in ...
Words: 512 - Pages: 2
... it produces a "high" that lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. The immediate effects include decreased blood pressure, followed by an increased heart rate, flushed face and neck, dizziness, and headache. Inhalant abuse is on the rise among young people, especially between the ages of 7 and 17. This is because i are readily available and inexpensive. In fact, kids in the 7th grade are more likely to use i than seniors in high school. Children can unintentionally misuse inhalant products that are often found around the house. Parents should see that these substances, like paints, medicines, and hairsprays, are kept away from young children. Inhalant a ...
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