... would break down into lines, and walk by a doctor, trying to hide any physical problems. Children over two had to be able to walk by themselves. If the doctor noticed anything wrong he would use a piece of chalk to show the person required further inspection. If, this was indeed the case, the person would be set aside in a cage. Another test was that of sanity. An interpreter would ask each person a few questions just to find a sensible answer to test mental stability. The last and most feared doctor checked for disease by lifting the eyelid. He scared children, and probably spread more disease than the people he checked. From an eyewitness account, hi ...
Words: 1127 - Pages: 5
... I also think that she wishes she had spent more time with this person, or at least enjoyed the time they spent together more. The first and second lines of this poem are very true. "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown and puts away childish things" (1,2). I think what Edna is trying to express is that when you reach a particular age you don't just start being an adult. Being an adult is not something you just wake up one day an decide to be. In the third and fourth lines she writes, " nobody dies. Nobody that matters, that is" (3, 4). I feel she is stating here that the chid is inoocent from adult feelings. ...
Words: 967 - Pages: 4
... Irritant Contact Dermatitis – Because of around 200 different compounding chemicals in the gloves, and not properly washing hands after use an itchy, irritated, dryness occurs on the hands. ACD – Allergic Contact Dermatitis (Type IV) – is a delayed reaction to the Latex and usually occurs 24 to 96 hours after exposure. The symptoms of this certain reaction, is similar to poison ivy. Immediate Hypersensitivity (Type I) – Although the least common reactions to latex, these are the most severe and life-threatening. There have been serious reactions to Latex when inhaled as the proteins are aerosolized during glove cleaning and removal. ...
Words: 703 - Pages: 3
... files are PKZIP, WinZip, Stuffit, and tar. Files with the following extensions are likely to be archived: sea, tar, taz, taZ, tgz, and zip. See compression 3. ARPANET. The network created by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) that became the Internet. See the Internet History 4. Backbone A central network connecting other networks together. Formerly a network run by the National Science Foundation for the US, there are now multiple backbones run by commercial providers such as MCI, Sprint, UUNET, and AT&T. 5. BBS (Bulletin Board System) -- A computerized meeting and announcement system that allows people to carry on discussions, upload and ...
Words: 1545 - Pages: 6
... fun! All you have to do is get a group of friends together and go. It's like cruising the main drag accept you have beautiful snow-covered scenery to accompany you, and instead of pounding music to impress others, you have the roar of your engine which in some machines tends to be more impressive than others (Arcticat and Polaris). Before you just jump on that snowmobile, you need a couple things. First of all, you need a snowmobile. If you don't already own one, there are places that rent them. Usually any snowmobile dealership will have a rental fleet. Not to rain on your parade, but before you get all excited about going out and renting a snowmobile, you hav ...
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... a more gradual stop than the front of the car does. The Human Collision The second one occurs as the vehicle's occupants hit some part of the vehicle. At impact, the unbelted occupants are still travelling at the vehicle's original speed. Just after the vehicle comes to a complete stop, these unbelted occupants will slam into the steering wheel, the windshield, or some other part inside the vehicle. This is a human collision. Another form of human collision is person-to-person impact. Unbelted occupants colliding into each other are the cause of many serious injuries. In a crash, occupants tend to move toward the point of impact and not away from it. People in the ...
Words: 1752 - Pages: 7
... of times. The horse was tested and passed, but what the experts did not realize was that their own hopes for the horse to answer the questions, were giving the horse signs on which he based his answers. That is, if someone on the committee raised his/her eyebrows in anticipation of the oncoming correct answer, the horse would stop stomping. Once again, the experimenter's cues decided the outcome of the tests. Acting on these results, Rosenthal and Jacobson hypothesized that teacher's expectancies would cause them unintentionally to treat the students they thought to be bright in a different manner than those they thought to be average or even less bright. Rose ...
Words: 1024 - Pages: 4
... over expectations that others have of you, are all very serious causes of procrastination. Poor time management is a great cause of procrastination. Procrastination means not managing time wisely. You may be uncertain of you priorities, goals and objectives. You may also be overwhelmed with the task. As a result, you keep putting off your academic assignments for a later date, or spending a great deal of time with your friends and social activities, or worrying about you upcoming examination, class project and papers rather than completing them. There are quite a few people that have difficulty concentrating. When you sit at your desk you find yourself ...
Words: 472 - Pages: 2
... Stadiums, for example, cost millions of dollars to build, maintain, etc. The funds to do this are provided by the tax paying citizens of that city. Many teams then, in return, relocate to other cities in search of more money and better facilities. This is no way to reward fans for years of loyal support. There are many programs, scholarships, foundations, etc. formed by many players and organizations though. These are good ways to give back to the communities that sustain them and use their grand salaries in a nice, resourceful manner. Now the major appeal of playing in the “big leagues” is landing big contracts and getting endorsements; inst ...
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... are the strangest, for men seem to not want to touch one another at all. For example, If a man is sitting on a bench at a bus stop and another man comes and sits down next to him, they will never touch. Not even friends at a bus stop touch, except for the very occasional high-five or handshake. In cafeterias, they sit sown as far away from each other as possible, and they talk without looking at their friend or moving towards them. Shopping malls are a different story altogether. When men go to shopping malls together, usually it is to look for "chicks". Out of sight of a girl a man will walk a casual distance away from their friends. Yet, when a girl is within e ...
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