... for some whiskers on their face, and they have internal ears on the sides of their head. Their nostrils are closed by valves, so they can accomplish such feats as flips and quick turns without losing any air. Manatees have no hind legs, but instead one big, flat, spatula-like tail (Sentman 327). This feature made people confuse manatees with mermaids for nearly four centuries (O'Shea 66). Many biologists say that manatees possibly originated or evolved from ungulates such as elephants and cows because of the way that they are built, and certain features that they have in common. Like elephants, manatees have the peculiar half-moon shaped fingernails, and thick, ...
Words: 1737 - Pages: 7
... limit to their southern range in the middle of Argentina, and their range is expected to be similarly limited to the southern and coastal states in the United States. They have hybridized to some extent with resident wild and hive populations of European honeybees. However, many of the basic African honeybee traits remain, including rapid population growth, frequent swarming, minimal hoarding of honey, the ability to survive on sparse supplies of pollen and nectar, and a highly defensive nature. Africanized honeybees are more difficult to manage than European honeybees and produce less honey. The businesses of many beekeepers in Latin American countries have failed ...
Words: 496 - Pages: 2
... Roswell Incident The Roswell Incident, which enlightened our minds to the capacity of excepting all, has remained one of the most controversial issues today. In Roswell, New Mexico, 1947, a strange occurrence arises. An alien craft from outer space crashed in an open field. The issue lay still for almost thirty years, until the thought of a government cover-up arose. Society's opinions have changed over the years. Previous to the 1990's, people have despised the thought of sharing the universe with other intelligent life forms. Now people are interested in this mysterious phenomenon. People think it is the blame of the movies and television. By ...
Words: 1850 - Pages: 7
... organic remains, volcanic ash and lapilli, and coarse, graded layers are found in the trench. Large amounts of remains cannot build up because they either are dragged into the Earth's interior or are distorted into folded masses and molded into new material of the continents. Deep trench in the sea bed indicating the presence of a destructive margin (produced by the movements of plate tectonics). The dragging downwards of one plate of the lithosphere beneath another means that the ocean floor is pulled down. Ocean trenches are found around the edge of the Pacific Ocean and the northeastern Indian Ocean; minor ones occur in the Caribbean and near the Falkland Isla ...
Words: 926 - Pages: 4
... and fed into an open feedwater heater operating at that pressure. Saturated liquid at P2 leaves the open feedwater heater. The efficiencies of all pumps are 80%, and the efficiencies of all turbines are 85%. Throughout this report the states will be referenced as depicted above with the numbers 1-13. The analysis of the system will involve the use of the Energy Rate Balance to isolate the specific enthalpies and associated values of temperature, pressure, specific volume, and steam quality. The Entropy balance equation will be used to calculate the specific entropy at all the above noted states. Energy Rate Balance (assume KE&PE=0) dEcv/dt = Qcv-Wcv+Smi(hi) - Sm ...
Words: 1672 - Pages: 7
... of inheriting two copies of the defective ADA gene. Possession of a normal gene leads to the continuous, regular production of ADA in cells throughout the body. Without at least one properly functioning gene, children have no way of converting deoxyadenosine (a waste product) into inosine. This leads to the rapid build-up of deoxyadenosine in the system, which becomes phosphorlyzed into a toxic triphosphate, which kills T-cells. The result is an almost complete failure of the immune system and early death. Previous treatment options included bone marrow transplants, which worked well with matched donors. A major breakthrough occurred with the development of p ...
Words: 3603 - Pages: 14
... a similar explanation as to why the is the most prolific of the invigorated species. Often s and many other invigorated species are referred to as "generalists." This has to do mainly with how and what they eat. In this respect, few other creatures have such catholic tastes or more ingenious methods of satisfying them as have s (Gilbert, 1991, p. 69). The list of what exactly the consumes is quite extensive. Eighty percent of their diet is rodents. However, they will eat pretty much whatever they can find. Watermelons are also a food source for this omnivorous and carnivorous species. As one of my sources puts it, the takes what it can get (Jones, 19 ...
Words: 897 - Pages: 4
... with in-flight accessibility, provided by investigators selected from the international science community. The Observatory objective is to have an operational lifetime in excess of 20 years. The SOFIA project is in the early full-scale stage. The start of detailed system design is anticipated in the Fall of 1996. The German Space Agency (DARA) is a partner with NASA in the SOFIA project. DARA will provide the telescope and NASA will provide the rest of the facility including the 747 aircraft, aircraft modifications, on-board mission control system, ground facilities and support equipment, overall management, system integration and operations. The SOFIA project ...
Words: 178 - Pages: 1
... atomic spectroscopy provides a technique that can quantify metal concentrations in the extracts of the soil samples and consequently examine the relationship between distance from the point of road salt application and akali metal concentrations. Experimental Soil preparation: Six surface soil samples were collected at the intersection of Cold Spring Lane and the exit ramp of Interstate 83, in northwest Baltimore city. These samples were collected at distances from the roadway of 0m, 2m, 4m, 6m, 10m, and 20m. These samples were dried in a convection oven at 110°C for over 24 hours then crushed. Aliquots of approximately one gram were weighed and then extracted ...
Words: 1187 - Pages: 5
... again they might also sleep much less than normal. A person with depression doesn't realize and most of the time has no control whatsoever over these feelings. They have no idea that what is wrong with them is that they have depression. They might put the blame on some other stressful thing or even other people. Changes in the level of energy a person has can be caused by depression. One possible reason for this ties into their eating and sleeping habits. If a person starts to eat less, or sleep less they will notice a drop in how much energy the have. Some people with depression may become edgy or fidgety. Also the people may become very easily upset ...
Words: 521 - Pages: 2