... had to think that this man wrote this to his mother only for her to worry less. He did not want to tell her the whole truth on what was really going on inside of him. Would anyone from the outside world understand? "P.S. tell mom not to worry, there is nothing I can't handle." The soldiers could handle the physical horrors that were happening to them, but the mental status of many the soldiers were becoming breakable. How could you tell someone not to worry about you, when you do not even care what was going to happen to yourself. The soldiers were all prepared to die, but waiting was what was driving them crazy. They did not want to tell their 17-year-old girlf ...
Words: 1806 - Pages: 7
... Rhineland (March 7, 1936). When Hitler the annexed Austria in February and March 1938, no effective attempts were made to prevent this "Anschluss" from occurring. Anschluss is a German word for union, and was an slogan in the battle to unite Germany and Austria. Clauses of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles expressly forbade Anschluss, and was thus they one of the times Hitler neglected the Versailles Treaty. On March 13, 1938, invited by Seyss-Inquart to prevent «disorder», German troops and police flooded into Austria where no one resisted them in taking over. Hitler entered Vienna on March 14 to proclaim Anschluss, though to most observers the act looked more lik ...
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... received a large share of the development without putting up any money. The development went bad, so additional capital was needed. There is evidence and testimony suggesting that this cash was obtained illegally from the federal government and never paid back. As for Watergate - though it was revealed by the Senate Watergate committee as an unprecedented abuse of presidential power that was extremely dangerous to the country, it is remembered 25 years later as a strange and unsuccessful burglary in the Watergate office building by people linked to the reelection committee of Nixon. But Watergate was so much more than a political burglary. The Senate hearings ...
Words: 2067 - Pages: 8
... On the other hand, some of these family traditions allowed the family to flourish as a group. In the movie Raise the Red Lantern, many types of customs and rituals were shown. For example, according to the master’s tradition, lanterns are lit outside the house of which the master chooses to join for the night. Each night the wives wait to be honored with his presence, bowing in resignation when they aren’t chosen, often scheming to be noticed next time. The women soon begin to compete for the lanterns. They are jealous of one another and double cross one another. This brings out a darker side of the women capable of anything in order that their needs are met. This ...
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... Labs). Fission occurs when a neutron, a subatomic particle with no electrical charge, strikes the nucleus of one of these isotopes and causes it to split apart. When the nucleus is split, a large amount of energy is produced, and more free neutrons are also released. These neutrons then in turn strike other atoms, which causes more energy to be released. If this process is repeated, a self-sustaining chain reaction will occur, and it is this chain reaction that causes the atomic bomb to have its destructive power (World Book, 1990). This chain reaction can be attained in two different ways. The first type of atomic bomb ever used was a gun-type. In this type two ...
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... Aesthetics obviously did not play a role in this sculpture, nor did the expression of any meaningful ideas or feelings. I do realize that not knowing the history of this piece or of its creator changes what I see when looking at this sculpture. When I view the iron, I see it as a meaningless object that does not appear to have any creativity or significance attached to itself. Other artists from this time such as Duchamp and Picasso were also having a hard time finding an audience for their work because society did not understand the ideas they were trying to communicate, and now Picasso is one of the most famous artists in the world. The genius of these people i ...
Words: 464 - Pages: 2
... to go out on his own. Nixon was a suspicious man who trusted no one, this suspicion caused him to appear older than he really was and cost him votes from the TV. audience. Running for Vice President along with Nixon was Henery Cabot Lodge. Lodge was a politician fro Massachusetts who opposed John F. Kennedy in the 1952 Massachusetts senatorial election. John F. Kennedy, was a Democrat from the south. He came from a very wealthy family and in 1952 became a Massachusetts Senator. Kennedy was young, good looking and inexperienced compared to the Vice President. His father was mayor of Boston and that helped show the capabilities of a Kennedy in power. Lyndon Johnson wa ...
Words: 708 - Pages: 3
... troops were posted on the frontier to enforce this. This angered the colonist because they felt that they did not need British protection anymore and that they were holding them back form settling into the fertile Ohio Valley. The French and Indian War had cost England much money. To pay this off they started making taxes on the colonies. They first tax was the Sugar Act of 1764. This was an indirect tax on goods such as sugar, coffee, other imported items. The colonists started claiming this was taxation without representation. They repealed the act. The next act was the Stamp Act of 1765. This was a direct tax on printed goods such as deeds, marriage l ...
Words: 1257 - Pages: 5
... become king is because of his brothers, Arthur, death in April of 1502. Soon after that, Henry would marry his first wife, his brother (Arthur's) widow, Catherine of Aragon. Many wifes would follow after her. During most of his early reign, Henry relied on Thomas Cardinal Wosley to do much of the political and religious activities. Henry soon got tired of his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, so he decides that he doesn't want to be married to her anymore, so he tells Thomas Wosley to talk to the pope so he can divorce Catherine. But, Cardinal Wosley wasn't able to convince the pope, so in 1529 Henry took Wosley's authority away from him. Hen ...
Words: 1042 - Pages: 4
... was China's first and most famous philosopher. He had a traditional personal name (Qiu) and a formal name (Zhoghi). Confucius's father died shortly after Confucius's birth. His family fell into relative poverty, and Confucius joined a growing class of impoverished descendants of aristocrats who made their careers by acquiring knowledge of feudal ritual and taking positions of influence serving the rulers of the many separate states of ancient China. Confucius devoted himself to learning. At the age of 30, however, when his short-lived official career floundered, he turned to teaching others. Confucius himself never wrote down his own philosophy ...
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