... is the table and the balls, and the law then implies that the total momentum of the balls just before they collide is the total momentum just after the collision. Therefore if the masses of two colliding objects are known, the velocity and the velocity of the other before the collision, you can calculate the final velocity of this second object after it has collided. To obtain an exact answer however, we must find out what type of collision takes place, whether it is elastic or not elastic. The type of collision is characterized by what is called the coefficient of restitution. This quantity is approximately constant for a collision between two given ...
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... flat face without great prominence of the muzzle (excepting the baboons and drills). The hands and feet are prehensile, with, typically, five digits on each, the first (thumb and big toe) being divergent from the others. Commonly, the digits have flattened nails, but those of the marmoset are an exception. Except for the night-roaming durukuli of tropical America, monkeys are active during the day, moving frequently in bands in search of vegetation, birds' eggs, smaller animals, or insects to eat. Monkeys are highly social animals and are often organized in clans headed by an old male; these clans are rigidly defined in such species as howlers and baboons ...
Words: 736 - Pages: 3
... By 1830 the plant was well established along the New England seaboard. Purple loosestrife seeds were also found in sheep and livestock feed that was imported from Europe during this period. This new organism was introduced to a new habitat free from traditional parasites, predators and competitors, purple loosestrife thrived in the environmental conditions and by 1880 was rapidly spreading north and west through the canal and marine routes. Purple loosestrife stands also increased due to the importation of seeds and root stalks by horticulturists. It was introduced to many communities as an herb, an ornamental garden flower and as a desirable honey plant. ...
Words: 3067 - Pages: 12
... choosing and used the new vectors to insert these genes into the DNA of living organisms. Genetic engineers believe they can improve the foods we eat by doing this. For example, tomatoes are sensitive to frost. This shortens their growing season. Fish, on the other hand, survive in very cold water. Scientists identified a particular gene which enables a flounder to resist cold and used the technology of genetic engineering to insert this 'anti-freeze' gene into a tomato. This makes it possible to extend the growing season of the tomato. The marketing of genetic engineering inspires visions of perfect health, long life, and miracle foods. The reality is that these cl ...
Words: 777 - Pages: 3
... extensively is northern Europe. In 1984, for example, environmental reports indicated that almost half the trees in Germany’s Black Forest had been damaged by acid rain. This form of pollution has also particularly affected the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. Industrial emissions have been blamed as the major cause of acid rain. Because the chemical reactions involved in the production of acid rain in the atmosphere are complex and as yet little understood, industries have tended to challenge such assessments and to stress the need for further studies; and because of the cost of pollution reduction, governments have tended to support this attitud ...
Words: 417 - Pages: 2
... and its high heat of vaporization regulates earth's climate. One of the most unique things about water is the fact that it expands when it freezes unlike many other liquids. Its thermal and transparent properties protect aquatic life in freezing temperatures. All of these things combined help to sustain life and keep it constantly evolving. In the next couple of pages, we are going to go into detail of how it does this. Water consists of two hydrogen atoms that are joined to one oxygen atom by covalent bonds. These bonds are polar bonds. The partial charges on different parts of water molecules produce weak attractive forces called hydrogen bonds. The hydrogen bond ...
Words: 1880 - Pages: 7
... and 10% is sewage. Some of the consiquences due to this are :- presence of toxic substances and the rapid uptake of contaminants by marine organisms to name but a few. Oil spillages either by tankers or offshore ridges cause devistating effects on the local environments. Oil is extremely dense which means it floats on top of the water and can kill fish and birds, ruin beaches but nothing as yet has been invented to deal with this major problem. Dangerous metals such as mercury, arsenic and lead are also dumped into the sea. All of these examples have the ability to kill and damage the environment around it. Agricultural Environments : Unwanted plants ...
Words: 2105 - Pages: 8
... the lungs. The air completes its path down the trachea when it reaches the bronchus which is a speration of the trachea into the two different lungs it is used to carry oxygen to different parts of the body. These bronchus break into many bronchioles which then branch into many many microscopic tubs that cary the oxygen to every part of the lung till they meet the thin sacs called aveoli. Aveoli are thin sacs in the lungs that carry oxygen in and carbon dioxide out of the blood stream. They diffuse the oxygen into the blood cells that need it and in turn diffuse carbon dixoxide out. Diffusion is an easy method for the transfer of oxygen because it dosent take any ...
Words: 779 - Pages: 3
... moving away from each other ever since. Today the universe is still expanding, as astronomers have observed. The Steady State model says that the universe does not evolve or change in time. There was no beginning in the past, nor will there be change in the future. This model assumes the perfect cosmological principle. This principle says that the universe is the same everywhere on the large scale, at all times.2 It maintains the same average density of matter forever. There are observational evidences found that can prove the Big Bang model is more reasonable than the Steady State model. First, the redshifts of distant galaxies. Redshift is a Dopple ...
Words: 1285 - Pages: 5
... cause of Alzheimer. Even thougt there is no cure for AD, it exist a number of treat- Ment. If you suspect a patient of AD, ask him an attention question, like, “why people who lives in glasses houses shouldnt throw rocks.” If he fails to answer, he might have Alzheimer disease and should be refered to a treatment.. There is 3 stages in AD. Mild: the patient might have trouble finding his words r forget familiar names. Moderate: he will be desoriented, paranoid and/or desoriented. He will also become urine-incontinent. And finally late: he will be innable to speak intelligibly, swallowing problems, and have some fecal incontinence. Now, lets return to our initial ...
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