... modem platform to end-users. . Since cable modem technology is very recent the conflict exists between different standards. The only specification that has been approved by ITU (in 1998) is DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications) which was developed by MCNS, CabeLabs, Arthur D. Little and consortium of North American MCOs. Later that year CableLabs established certification program that would ensure interoperability among the equipment from different vendors. Certified cable modems are expected to appear in second quarter of 1999. While waiting for the certificates vendor already started to develop the products that would meet new DOCSIS ...
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... are most wanting to develop and other higher skills such as telepathy, as they know they will use them in their lifetime. On an intuitive level they know we are shifting reality soon where this ability and others will be open to humans once again. Many of the 'star children' --those who remember that they are connected to other worlds and realities--will try to tap into their higher gifts. 'Patience' is the name of the game. As the planet is shifting now into 4th dimensional frequency you will soon get to use these powers and be able to control them. For those who write to me and ask me to teach telekinesis, it is not possible to do this by email. I am sorry ...
Words: 3442 - Pages: 13
... he received a doctorate in canon law from the University of Ferrara. Copernicus lived with his uncle in his bishopric palace. While he stayed there he published his first book which was a translation of letters written by the 7th century writer, Theophylactus of Simocatta. After that he wrote an astronomical discourse that laid the foundation of his heliocentric theory; the theory that the sun is the center of our solar system. However, it was 400 years before it was published. After leaving his uncle, he wrote a treatise on money, and began the work for which he is most famous, On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres, which took him almost 15 years to writ ...
Words: 653 - Pages: 3
... trigger the chemical reactions by bonding to the guanine nucleotides, but they also trigger the production GDP by reducing GTP to its subserviant level. Not all effectors are triggered by simply hormones. Cells in the retinal area of the eye are triggered by photons that strike rhodopsin. When the rhodospin it activates the G protein, transductin, to travel to the effector enzyme, and thus regulates the levels of soduim ions (Na+). The eye cells become hyperpolarized, thus producing a negative charge, signaling visual data to the brain. The two afore mentioned receptors are just hundreds that exist in the human body. All the receptors employ the help of G prote ...
Words: 349 - Pages: 2
... The connection conveniently includes unlimited access to over a million web sites twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Since the can be accessed by millions of people all time, it would be a great incentive for businesses. The can help businesses in number of extraordinary ways. First, the is an excellent way to make business information available to possible consumers. Say a person hears about a product that your business produces and would like to know more information about that product. Well, through access, that person can easily locate your business web site and browse through the information needed. Included in the web site found, there could be m ...
Words: 1053 - Pages: 4
... two possibilities as to the nature of a physical (which we can equate to 'scientific') theory. The first being that it is an explanation of the reality lying behind a group of experimental laws (those that are empirically determined). The second is that a physical theory is simply an abstract system to classify and summarize a group of laws. Taking the first possibility (a belief still held by many today): this seeks to look beneath the sensible appearances and find the reality beneath, which is causing the sensations we experience. However, this presents us with a problem. We only have access to perceptions so how can we hope to find a physical theory that provid ...
Words: 1840 - Pages: 7
... were particularly interested in natural "forcings" -- factors that can affect the climate significantly but which are not part of the climate system itself. Based on statistical comparisons of reconstructed northern hemisphere temperatures, the best estimates indicate that natural changes in the brightness of the sun and volcanic emissions both played an important role in governing climate variations over the period studied. But over the past few decades, greenhouse gases produced by human activities appear to have had an increasing influence on temperatures. "The anomalous warmth of several recent years appears likely to be related to human influences on climate," ...
Words: 842 - Pages: 4
... bass have increased to the point that they are commercially viable again. The Chesapeake Bay's decline was evident as early as the 1950s. In the late 1970s, state and federal scientists began an extensive study to determine the reasons for the Bay's decline. Three major problems were identified; excess nutrients from wastewater, agricultural lands, and developed land; sediment in runoff from farms, construction sites, and eroding lands; and possible elevated levels of toxic chemicals. Nitrogen and phosphorus are considered good things because they support the bottom of the food chain. But in recent years the Chesapeake Bay has been receiving too much of these ...
Words: 1118 - Pages: 5
... by a large fan to flow over what they are testing (plane, missiles, rockets, etc.)or a model of it. The object in the wind tunnel is fixed and placed in the test section of the tunnel and instruments are placed on the model to record the aerodynamic forces acting on the model. Types of Wind Tunnels There are four basic types of wind tunnels. Which are low subsonic, transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic. The wind tunnels are classified by the amount of speed they can produce. The subsonic has a speed lower then the speed of sound. The transonic has a speed which is about equal to the speed of sound (Mach 1 760 miles per hour at sea level). . The supersonic (Ma ...
Words: 1387 - Pages: 6
... but also burning of fossil fuels, CFCs etc. Air pollution does not leave the Earth it all gets trapped up in the atmosphere. This doesn't bother most people, and they think that it will not harm them. People burn down forests and people burn fossil fuels, and CFCs from aerosols. Every bit of this harms our atmosphere. Factories and transportation depend on huge amounts of fuel billions of tons of coal and oil are consumed around the world every year. When these fuels burn they introduce smoke and other, less visible, by-products into the atmosphere. Although wind and rain occasionally wash away the smoke given off by power plants and automobiles, the cumu ...
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